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Eun! Yah! Eun!

I heard someone calling me from afar. As I turn around I see Taeyong. He was trying to get my attention.

"Comming!" I said as I ran to him.

"You should stop spacing out seriously when I talk to you. Anyways class is about to start let's go!" He said while walking a bit faster.

I cought up to him and we went to class together. As we get into class, Jihye and Chaeyoung greet us with excitement and the full class goes quiet once they see me. I feel uncomfortable because everyone is glaring at me but I shrug it off.

"Don't mind them, they can't do nothing, so don't worry about it. You got us" Jihye points to all our little group.

Ten walks in and I look towards Jihye only to see her smile ever so brightly. I love that smile, she looks adorable. Ten goes up to her and kisses her cheek.

"Annyeong Love, annyeong guys" Ten says.

"Annyeong Ten!" Me, Taeyong and Chaeyoung say in unison.

The bell rang and we all sat our designated seats. Taeyong was to my left at the end of the class and Ten to the right. Chaeyoung was sitting in front of Taeyong and Jihye was in front of Ten. No one was in front of me and I liked it. Once class started, I started getting bored at what the teacher was talking about and started sketching in my books. I did that almost all morning. Once the bell rang for lunch, Our gang went to the rooftop and ate our lunch there.

"So, how is basketball practice?" Chaeyoung asked the guys.

"We have a match next weekend so we will all be missing class" Ten said while cuddling Jihye.

Seriously these guys are goals. I would love to have a loving significant other but I am lonely. Who cares I live with it. Then there is Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung has a crush on Taeyong but she doesn't say nothing. She told me to say nothing so I pretend not to know. As we ate, my phone started to ring. As I answer my phone, I never expected it to be this her.

"Yeoboseyo?" I say.

"Hiiii Eoni!" I hear that little voice say.

"Annyeong Mei! How are you? Why did you call? Are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"I am fine, I just called because I was to lazy to text. I called because guess what?" She said.

"What is it Mei?" I asked.

"Heehee, I have a boyfriend!" She squeeled.

"Jinja!? That is awesome! Who is the lucky guy?" I asked.

"His name is Kris, he is so nice and loves me even if I am this pastel gothic chic" she said laughing

"That is cool! Anyways I have to go because , yeah I am in school. Text me whenever ok" I said.

"Bye Eunie Eoni!" She said.

"Annyeong!" I said then hung up.

"Who was it?" Asked Jihye.

"It was Mei , she called to tell me about her new boyfriend" I replied.

We continued eating and later on the bell rang. School finished and everyone went on their own paths except me and Taeyong.

"How is everything going at home Eunie?" Taeyong asked.

"Yah! Don't call me that!"

"Well why is Mei aloud?" He replied.

"Fine you win, just I don't like cute nicknames but because it is you, fine" I said as I pouted.

"Everything at home is okay. My sister still fights with me and my mother sometimes yells at me. For now, everything is normal" I said while walking with Taeyong.

"You know, if it doesn't get any better , you know where I live. I would be glad to keep you home for a couple days. Even my parents love you because they have known you for a long time, so don't be shy" Taeyong said.

"Yah! Stop being a romantic pabo! Ok I am joking but thank you, it means alot." I said as I slightly punched him.

"You are family to me and Yah! I am not a romantic pabo!" He shouted.

It was about 6pm and we seperated ways to go home. Once I get home, I greet my family and hurry on into my room in the basement. Lucky enough the basement was all to myself and no one in my family could come down here. I went in my room and got changed into comfortable clothes.

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