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*Taeyong's pov*

I woke up around 1pm with Chaeyoung, Jihye and Ten. We all looked over Eun and Jaehyun and they were still sleeping but Eun's head was on Jae's shoulder and his head was on her head. They got close last night huh. I look over at Chaeyoung and see her with her phone out and she is taking pictures of them. I start laughing due to how cute she was when she took pictures of them. 

"Yah! Eun! Jaehyun! Wake up!" I said.

"Mmm... Let me sleep!" She said half asleep.

"Me too, I want to sleep" Jaehyun added.

*Eun's pov*

"Mmm... Let me sleep!" I said half awake.

"Me too, I want to sleep"I heard Jaehyun say.

I woke up so fast feeling someone warm next to me. I see Jaehyun and I  started to get up and look at me.

"Wae did you move?" He said rubbing his eyes.

"How long have I had my head on you?" I asked clearly blushing.

"You nodded off and landed on me. I didn't wake you up because I fell asleep after"  He said as he looked at me.

"Yah! Let's go eat breakfast! We are all hungry!" Ten added while rubbing his stomac.

We went upstairs to go eat. All the girls cooked the food but I stayed on the side just watching them.

"Yah! Eun!" Choonhee said.

"Hmm?" I replied.

"I see you are getting closer to Jaehyun" she said with a smirk.

"Ani, I just fell asleep it's not my fault!" I said defending myself while blushing.

"We all know you love him" Chaeyoung replied.

"I might but I can't say nothing. I don't know my own feelings yet"

"Waeyo ?" They said in unison.

"Because I am afraid to get hurt. Let's pretend we never talked about this ara?" I asked pleading.

"Araseo I understand" Jihye said.

"Kamsahamnida" I replied.

I still don't really know if I love him in the way people say it is called love. I like him yes but love, I have no idea. I actually don't want him to know neither the other guys because there will probably be drama. I have been thinking to myself for a while until someone waved their hand in front of my face.

"Come help me set the table" Jaehyun said.

"Araseo, I am coming" I said and followed him.

We set the table together and once we were finished I spoke up.

"Mianheyo about last night again. Let's pretend like that never happened" I said as I looked at him.

"Don't be sorry and if that is what you want, it's fine with me" he flashed me a smile.

Once everything was set and everyone was at the table, I excused myself to go outside. Something came up in my mind and I was starting to panic a bit. I didn't want them to worry so I stormed out of the house and ran to the parc. Behind the parc, there is a forest. Kids are to afraid to go in there because there have been several cases of deaths there. Taeyong and I went in the woods usually all the time. We made ourselves a little treehouse and surprisingly it is still in contact. We had a thing for ghosts even though sometimes we would be scared but after a while, we got used to the atmosphere and would play here often. This isn't really important to know, but I come here to rid out my mind of bad things and replace them with good memories. I also would come here to calm myself when I had panic attacks and I felt pleasant. I made sure no one would see me going in the woods and went in. I followed the path we built when we were kids and got to the treehouse. I take a good look at it and memories started flashing through my eyes. I saw each other building this place, playing hide and seek, laughing at each other and having so much fun. I smiled to myself due to how much I was happy when I was young. Those memories, if they lasted longer, I would want to stay in that time when I wasn't as sad as I have become now. 

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