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Today was the basketball's team game. The boys got ready and everyone got prepared to cheer for our school. Everyone missed the first half of the day to watch the game. The other team that came to compete with them were very strong. The game was pretty tight until, for sure, our team won. Everyone cheered and roared in excitment to all the boys in the team. Chaeyoung, Jihye, Rin and I went to wait for the boys. We ended up going to a restaurant to congratulate them on a good game.

"So, prom is in two days! Are you guys ready?" Jihye asked excited.

"Uhh... It's really in two days?" I asked confused.

"Ne. You don't remember? They even announced it this morning at school" Chaeyoung added.

"I... Forgot..." I said lowering my head.

"By the way, Rin , have you found someone to bring after all?" Ten asked Rin.

"Aniyo. I decided to go unacompanied, I'd rather spend my time with you guys" He said with a smile.

"I am pretty sure every girl will be drooling over you and want your attention since your alone" Taeyong added laughing.

"Probably but I won't want to hang with them" Rin said also laughing.

We all decided after our meal to leave and go back home. Jaehyun came over to my place to help me babysit my brother and sister. We watched movies and I cooked for my sister and brother so they could eat and then after a while to go to bed. Jaehyun ended up making my brother fall asleep on him very quickly and brought him upstairs to his room. My sister didn't want to go to sleep so I told her only to sleep before our eomma comes back. I went downstairs with him greeted by Casper all excited. Jaehyun and I ended up just randomly playing games and watching movies. Jaehyun fell asleep while watching the movie and I put a blanket over him and went to the desk in the corner to start randomly drawing. I drew Jaehyun sleeping on the couch smiling and laughing slightly. After a while getting into my drawing and my music, I felt someone touching the shoulder and I look up seeing him with a smile. He complented my drawing while chuckling. It was around one in the morning so we went back to sleep. Waking up in the morning wasn't to fun since my brother jumped on Jaehyun and I. Jaehyun woke up quick and played with him. I can't thank him enough for being here. Today, the guys wanted to have a guy day and the girls wanted their girl day. I couldn't refuse since it was basically planned. I got a text from Mei and smiled.

Mei: Hi Eoni! It's been a while. How have you been?

Me: I have been good. How about you?

Mei: I've been doing great. I heard that we were moving though and I am excited.

Me: Why are you excited?

Mei: I am moving to Seoul!

Me: Jinjja!?!

Mei: Yes! I can't wait and babs is comming with us since he wants to go to the university there.

Me: That's awesome! I can't wait!

We talked for a while and then I left to go meet the girls. We went to the movies and went shopping for accessories for our dresses. The girls got some nice shoes and I, I got flats since I know myself. I would trip with heels. We eventually left and went to a coffee shop and as always, I got myself a bubbletea. We talked about the big day and just random other things. The girls decided on a place to get their hair done with I and just have fun. Chaeyoung and Jihye were both talking about Taeyong and Ten, it made me laugh at how happy the were, so I smiled. Our day passed quickly and went to meet with the boys in the evening. These past days have been passing smoothly and slowly. I had some time to mentally prepare for prom, but I still stress when I think of it. Usually I don't really care about these things, but I guess since Jaehyun is bringing me it's different.

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