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Next morning I wake up around 12pm. As I get dressed and go upstairs, I get yelled at by my eomma for being out so late. I got in a pretty big fight with her and it got out of hand. I told her I was with Taeyong and she calmed a bit before launching again at me. It got so heated that I stormed out of the house and called Taeyong.

"Yeoboseyo?" I heard him say.

"Annyeong, can I come over now?" I asked.

"Sure and let me guess you got in a fight with your eomma right?" He said

"How did you know?" I asked.

"You were strict and cold. I feel it in your voice plus you get pissed" He replied.

"Ne you are right, I am comming over now so be there in a few" I said and hung up.

I walked for a good 25 minutes and finally got to his place. I was greeted by his Eomma and Appa. I call them my Eomma and Appa too since childhood. They are like my second family. I went downstairs in the basment to meet up with Ten and Taeyong. Once I got there, they greeted me and I took no time to stuff my face with chips and took a contoler to turn it on.

"So what's the game we playing?" I asked with my mouth full.

"I see you really don't want to loose time huh. Today we are playing this" He shows me the game.

"It's a type of multiplayer survival game. We are in packs and we have to kill our enemies. We could get bonuses and all that stuff" Ten said.

"Cool, now you guys play in the same team and I play alone for the first round ara?" I said.

"Waeyo? You can't be alone, you will loose easily since you never played" Taeyong said.

"Oh wait till you see what I can do alone" I said with an evil smirk on my face.

"Uh Tae, I think we should let her alone in this round. One thing for sure, we will beat you Eun-Kyung!" Ten replied.

As we played, the first round lasted a good 20 minutes and as excpected, I beat them both. They looked at me like I was a pro of one extremely sneaky player.

"Who are the losers now?" I said as I stuck my tongue out of my mouth.

"How could she have beaten us? We played like an hour before she got here, geez this girl really is scary when it comes to video games" Taeyong said and Ten nodded.

"Sorry I just lash my hate out on video games and other things..." I said with my head down.

"It's alright, it's just, I want to win one round for once when we play with you" Ten said.

"Jinja? I didn't know losing against a girl was a big deal" I said as I laughed.

We played video games from 9am to 11pm. Yes I went at their place early. Once I was fine and was ready to leave, I said my goodbye's to Eomma and Appa(Taeyong's) and to the boys. I left there house and started walking to go back home. When I got home, I saw my eomma sitting on the couch. She looked towards my way and told me to sit down.

"I am sorry for getting angry at you this morning but storming out of the house like that and comming home late is not how you get over your problems!" She said as she whispered to not wake up my brother or sister.

"Look... I don't want to talk to you because we will end up fighting so just leave me alone jebal!" I said as I started walking downstairs in the basement to go to my room.


I heard my phone vibrate. As I look at who it was, it was Mei.

Mei: Hey ! How was your week? I didn't have the time to talk to you this week since I was so busy and you know, I was with the babs(nickname she gave her boyfriend).

Eun: I figured that much. Anywho, I am glad you had fun this week.

Mei: Yes I did ! How is your weekend so far?

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