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I have been acting like the usual all week. I have not shown any clues to anyone about my feelings towards Jaehyun. Chaeyoung and Jihye knew and they were so happy and excited, it made me happy. The week went very quick and tomorrow was finally the party. I was getting stressed like crazy. I am probably going to confess to him but I don't know how. I got home safe and the day passed quick also. It was around 12 am amd I heard a faint knock in the window. I looked over and saw Jaehyun. I opened the window and he came inside with his bag.

"Jaehyun! What the hell are you doing here! It's already 12 am! Do your parents know you are here?" I whisper-yelled.

"Calm down. My parents think I am at Tae's and Tae knows I am here. I came here because maybe I wanted to see you" He said whispering and laughed.

"You really are impossible you know" I said and signed.

Jaehyun stayed in my room and we watched a movie. Jaehyun fell asleep in my bed and I smiled to myself due to him being so cute. Not long after, I fell asleep myself. I wake up the next morning with Jaehyun looking at me.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked him.

"Long enough to notice you are cute when you sleep" he replied with a smile.

"Yah! Stop teasing me! I said.

"I am not teasing you!" He said with his tongue out.

I heard footsteps comming downstairs and I looked over at Jaehyun very quickly.

"Get out the window and come knock on my front door! My eomma doesn't know you slept here. Hurry before I get in big trouble!" I said in pannic.

He got out very fast and my eomma came and knocked on my door. She came in to talk with me a bit until I heard the doorbell ring. I hurried upstairs to open the door and Jaehyun was there. I thanked him for saving me from trouble and he greeted my mother. He went back downstairs with me and we started planning what to do before the party today. It was already around 7pm and we had to leave to Taeyong's place to get ready there. We got to his place and Taeyong greeted us. We got into our costumes and each of us revealed our costumes. I eyed Taeyong and laughed hard. He was dressed as one of the Mortal Combat characters.

"What?" He said.

"Nothing. I just like the cosplay" I said.

"Your cosplay is not bad yourself" he says with a smile.

"Thanks. Jaehyun, your costume is the funniest out of all of us" I said laughing.

"I didn't know what ghost costume or whatever to buy to just an old white sheet makes a costume" Jaehyun says laughing with us.

"I don't blame you, I did force you after all. Mianheyo" I replied.

"Don't be sorry, it's fine" he says with a smile.

"Arasseo, let's get going to that party" Taeyong says.

We got over to Chaeyoung's place. It was filled with people. I got extremely nervous and started to dig my nails into my arm. I felt someone remove my hand and hold it. I look over and see Jaehyun.

"Stop doing that. You will end up hurting yourself. Just stay with me or the girls, ara?" He said with a smile.

"Arasseo, gomawo Jaehyun" I reply as I calm down.

We get inside Chaeyoung's house and we get greeted by the girls and Ten. The guys went to fool around and I stayed with the girls in the kitchen.

"When are you confessing?" Jihye asked me.

"Tonight when he brings me back home" I said.

"Seriously, good luck Eun. That is something a girl usually doesn't do often. If anything happens, we are here for you" Chaeyoung replied while giving me a hug.

About thirty minutes after, we heard an enormous scream in the living room. We all ran to go see what it was and we saw everyone just circling Jaehyun. I run up to him and see that there is blood everywhere on his stomac. I hold him and order people to give me towels and all but everyone stays there.

"Jaehyun, don't you dare die on me!" I said as I started crying.

"Eun. Don't worry. Stay happy ara?" He says with a smile.


"Don't fall asleep please Jaehyun, you can't!" I said.

"I had fun with you Eun. I hope we see each other again" He replied and his eyes slowly shut.

Chaeyoung and Jihye came back and saw me sobbing with a dead Jaehyun in my arms.

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