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The day passed by quickly as always. There is only two weeks left now before prom and the end up the year. I have been getting anxious because the girls would talk about prom a lot and Jaehyun was prepared way before me. I felt very uncomfortable and out of context, so I eventually asked the girls to come with me to shop for a dress.

"Girls, I need your help. Major important" I said stressing out.

"What is it Eun?" They both asked me in sync.

"I think it's time" I said and signed.

"Time for what?"

"Shopping. For a prom dress" I said.

As soon as those words got out of my mouth, the girls eyes went wide and sparkly. I could see that they were really, really happy about this desicion I made. After school, the girls decide that we should shop only us three and go out to eat. The guys were all suspicious but they eventually accepted. Our boyfriends have been getting clingy a lot lately and Jaehyun was worst now when I was with Rei. By now, he should know that Rei and I are only best friends, or better, siblings from other parents, but like always, he gets jaelous. I got a text from Mei asking how I have been since we haven't talked after I started dating Jaehyun. I told her everything was good and I went to shop for a prom dress. She was also shocked and happy that I decided to go to prom. She told me to take pictures of the dresses when I would be trying them on to see what she prefers on me. Chaeyoung and Jihye were totally fine with it because they like Mei. When we got to the store, I told the girls that they should look around and choose some dresses for me to try. I went in the back since they didn't want me to see them yet so I waited there patiently texting Mei. The girls came back with about ten dresses. There was a lot of dark colours and maybe about four pastel dresses. I started with the draker shades. The darker shades complemented me very well but I didn't seem to like any in particular. I went out of the stall to show the girls the dresses, but they said nothing fit on me that was eye-catching. I tried on the pastels but I thought that they didn't fit at all and the girls agreed. We continued to browse the shop until Jihye's and Chaeyoung's eyes landed on a short, long sleeve lacy white dress. They showed me the dress and I nodded in agreement. I went back to try it on and the results were astonishing. The dress looked gorgeous and complemented my shape very well. I got out of the stall and the girls were in awe.

"Eun-ah! This dress looks amazing on you!" Jihye said.

"Are you sure?" I asked uncertain of what to say.

"I am certain! This dress looks so beautiful Eun! You should get it" Chaeyoung replied with a smile.

"Then it's settled. We found the one" I replied and smiled.

I took a picture and sent it to Mei waiting for her response and she loved it. We decide to go pay for it and went straight to the restaurant. We had fun together only us three girls. We don't have girl dates as often since the boys follow us around. We all ate and went back to Jihye's place to spend the night over to watch movies and eat snacks.

I woke up and got ready to head out and leave a note on the table for both of them to see when they wake up. I left to go back home and go get Casper to bring him for a walk. As I went for a walk, I saw Jaehyun with Rei. This was a new sight to see. I walked over and greeted them and they both looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing" Rei said.

"Rei, please tell me that Jaehyun didn't just come to see you to tell you to back off and to stop flirting" I said as I crossed my arms looking at Jaehyun.

"Aniyo. We actually are friends that hang out now. I was at his place last night playing video games" Rei said and Jaehyun nodded in agreement.

I couldn't believe my eyes that they finally made up. I am glad.



I want to apologize for this extremely late update. I haven't had inspiration in finding ways to put this book into closure so as you can see , I have been stallibg in my chapters. I want to end it at chapter 60 but I might end it before.

P.S. I thought that maybe I should do a chapter specific for a Q&A dedicated for the characters(you can ask them questions lol)   I WOULD LIKE YOUR HONEST OPINION.

I would also like to know if you guys would want Special Chapters. Like after highschool, to college and adulthood. What do you guys think?  Thank you for your time of reading what I had to say. I hope you have a wonderful week all of you :)

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