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We got to the airport and my flight was finally there. I hugged my friends goodbye and they told me to stay safe. I really wanted to see Jaehyun. I waited for him but I had to leave. Once I got on the plane, I could see throught the window everyone waving at me and saw someone running from a distance. Jaehyun. He saw me as Jihye pointed at me and he showed his phone to me indicating to look at my phone.

Jae: Have a safe trip, I will miss you. When you get home, text me first so I can come and get you. Say Hi to Mei for me and send us pics on the groupchat. See ya!

I looked one last time at Jaehyun from the window and mouthed 'Thank you' I could see a smile on his lips and the plane took off. I was sitting next to a guy the same age as me for the full plane ride. His name was Rei. We had a lot in common and I could see eachother becomming friends real quick.

"So what brings you to China on christmas break?" He asked me.

"I planned a while ago to meet an internet friend. We have been friends for about 3 years now and I can't wait to meet her. What about you? Do you also live in Seoul?" I said with a smile.

"Ne, I live in Seoul. I am also going to China to see my childhood friend that moved 5 years ago" He replied.

"Well I am glad that you will get to meet him again and catch up" I told him with a smile.

"Same to you" He said.

I heard a buzz from my phone and a notification on the groupchat was visible. I opened my phone and saw that Jaehyun was the first to text.

Jae:Yah! It's almost been two days you are on the plane, how is it going?

Chae: Ne How is it going?

Ji: Please tell us you are alive?!

Tae: Yah! She saw the messages , she is alive.


Ten: It spoke!

Eun: Haha very funny -_-

Chae: Eun send us a pic! We want to see your face.

Eun: You see it everyday, isn't that enough?

Tae: Just listen to her. She has been asking a pic of you ever since you left to us. Weird right?

Eun: I really have to do it?

Chae: NE!

Eun: Arasseo!

I asked Rei if he could take a pic of me and he asked me why. I showed him the texts and he took my phone and took the picture.

"Wow you are good at taking pics!" I said surprised looking at the picture.

"Gomawo" He replied with a smile

I heard another buzz from my phone and saw Jihye wrote.

Ji: We are waiting! Come on!


Eun: Happy?

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Eun: Happy?

Chae: Ne! You look really pretty in that picture.

Ji: I agree with Chaeyoung.

Tae: For the first time in about a billion years, this pic is my favorite.

Jae: Pretty. I like it.

I felt my cheeks burning up when I read his text. He made me smile.

Ten: It must have been awkward to ask the person next to you to take a pic of you.

Eun: Aniyo, not at all. It was very easy.

Tae: WHAT?! Eun, you are the type to not even let anyone touch your phone and even worst ask someone to take a pic of you. What happened?

Eun: Chill Taeyong. Rei is my friend. He was fine with it.

Ji: Rei? A guy?

Eun: Ne, he is really nice and we have so many things in common! He lives in Seoul with us.

Chae: That's cool! You should totally invite him one time on a group date. Is he cute?

Eun: Ne he is.

Jae: Must be fun to have a plane ride with someone you enjoy.

Tae: Jae,Ten, private chat please.

Ten: Wae?

Tae: Because I sense some emotions.

Eun: What?

Ten: Let it be Eun. Let's talk later. The guys are gonna go, we have something to take care of.

Eun: Bye

Chae: Send us a pic with him.

Eun: Aniyo. Not in the plane. Maybe when we get out.

Ji: can't wait. Well we have to go. The guys want to hang out at Taeyong's place for once so talk to you later.

Eun: Love you guys and the real guys but they are not there lol. See ya.

I closed my phone and went back to talking with Rei.

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