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The plane was finally about to land. I was sad since I won't be seeing Rei for the whole week. We are taking the plane back on the same day and same seats as before so I am satisfied. When we got off the plane, I saw Mei jumping up and down and she ran to me and tackled me to the floor. Everyone looked at us weirdly but I was just so happy that I didn't care. We got up and I introduced her to Rei.

"Rei this is Mei. Mei meet Rei, we met on the plane" I said.

"Nice to meet you Mei" He flashed her a smile.

"Nice to meet you too Rei" She replied him with a smile also.

We talked for a bit until Mei and I had to leave.

"Well, I guess it is time for us to leave. It was nice meeting you Rei. We will see eachother in a week. I can't wait!" I said.

"Yah! Eun, before you leave, can you give me your phone number? So we can keep in contact" He said.

"Sure. Why did I not think of that" I said as we exchanged phones.

He put his number and I put mine. On his phone, I put my name as Eun with a piece sign next to it and gave him back his phone. When he gave me back my phone,he put his name as cute Rei with a cat next to it. I looked at him and laughed. He laughed with me.

"I saw your text earlier in the plane when you friend Chaeyoung asked you if I was cute. I had to put it" He said.

"It's fine, I like it. Oh can we take a picture together? Since they did ask me for that" I said.

"Sure! Send me the picture after though" He said and laughed.

Mei took my phone and took the picture of us. When I looked at it, I smiled. The picture was so well taken. We said our goodbyes and Mei and I left together to her place. The ride to her place was so loud. We jammed to tunes in the car and we talked about everything and anything that came into our minds. It was nice seeing Mei in person. It made me so happy. Once we got to her place, it was huge. She brought me into the house and gave me a tour. We went into her room and her room was huge. She had a huge bed, a couch and tv, another. Bed near the window and the theme of the room was pastel and spooky. It fits very well with her personality. I set my things on the ground and sat on the bed near the window. I looked at Mei and she was smiling.

"What?" I asked.

"Just admiring how much you are pretty in person and that I am very lucky to have you right now" She said and came to hug me.

"You are prettier in person also you know. I am luckier than you are right now to finally meet you!" I said and hugged her back.

"So what are the plans for this week?" I asked.

"We will be going out a lot. You will meet Kris this week for sure. We could go to the movies, go shopping, go to a couple of my favorite places and go to some coffee shops since I know you love them" She said.

"Well I can't wait to start this week!" I said.

We talked for a while and decided to go downstairs. Mei and I took our coats amd went to a coffee shop to go have a drink and a little something to eat. When we got to the cafe, I was amazed at how big and elegant it looked. Mei found it funny that I was so amazed of my surroundings. We cought up about everything while eating and we finally went back to her place. We watched a movie for the rest of the night and enjoyed eachothers presence. Mei fell asleep while watching the movie and I smiled due to how cute she was. I decided to text Jaehyun to see if he was still awake.

Eun: Jaehyun! Are you still awake?

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