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I woke up around 5 pm. I felt dead. I remembered everything that happened last night and all I could say, I wanted to give up on trying and give up everything. I started sobbing again. I haven't sobbed this much ever since I was five years old. Jaehyun really did get into my head. Now I just don't want to hear nothing about him. I looked at my phone and say I have 30 missed calls from Jaehyun again and one text from Taeyong. I deleted all the calls from Jaehyun and looked at Taeyong's text.

Tae: Eun-Kyung, I know I will be the only person you will actually talk to because of our childhood friendship. I am sorry for what happened. I wish I could be there to help you seriously. Just don't do something stupid ara? Take care of yourself and get well soon. I miss you(even if we literally saw eachother last night lol)

I looked at his message a second time and I signed. He is right. He will be the only person I will text if I am ever pissed about anything of like in this situation.

Eun: Arasseo, Gomawo...

I sent him those two words. Only two words were needed for him to understand. I turned off my phone and went upstairs. My mother asked me to help with the dishes and I did. When I dried the glasses, I broke three of them and cut my hands and arms by accident. I had to get my arms bandaged also and let's just say, I looked like a wreck. I went to sleep around 7 pm and woke up the next day at 2pm. My eomma wanted me to go to school but I told her I felt sick. All week, I ended up staying home. I hurt myself more without wanting it. I ended up with a broken finger, bloody bandaged knuckles, bandaged wrists and I had cut my cheek very deep so the doctor put a special bandage to cover my cheek. I looked ugly, I looked dead, I didn't even recognize myself. My eyes became darker and I wasn't smiling anymore. I stayed home the weekend, but Taeyong came for about an hour or so to give me the missed homework and study with me. I knew that he didn't really want to do homework but he wanted to stay and help because when he saw me, he felt bad. Monday, I am going back to school. I am not happy about it but I have no choice. It was already Sunday, 11pm. I couldn't fall asleep easily. I texted Mei so she can ease me and she did. I fell asleep after talking to her. I woke up to the sound of the alarm going off. I knew I had school today. I was not happy with starting school again but I still went to school. I got to school alone and stayed in the bathroom stall until it rang. I went into class and gave the teacher a note and all my work done. I sat at my desk and tried to ignore Jaehyun looking my way. I could see in his face that he felt bad and wanted to talk to me but I shrugged it off. Once the bell rang, I heard Jaehyun and the others call my name but I ran to the bathroom and stayed there until the next bell rang. It was finally lunch time and I hurried to go eat in the forest behind the school where no one goes so I could be alone. I put my headphones in my ears and listened to my music in peace. I heard my phone buzz and say Taeyong text me if I was at school. I told him yes but not to find me and he respected my decision.

~time skip after school~

School was over, finally. I went home so fast that no one saw me leave class. I have been ignoring everyone today but I have a feeling that tomorrow will be more difficult. I got home and went into my room. About an hour after, someone knocked on my door. My eomma came to see me alone.

"Eun, Jaehyun is here. What do I tell him?" She asked me.

"Leave. Tell him to leave. I don't want to see him" I said with tears starting to form in my eyes.

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