SC part 1

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It's been a year since our graduation and a bit more with my relationship with Jaehyun. We all had a plan to live together in the city to be close to our college and to our work which went very well. We found a house with four bedrooms, for sure we sleep together and Rei lives with us too. I was lucky that we were aloud pets so Casper tagged along.
Today I was working all day and it was finally comming to an end. As I finished up at the coffee shop, I went to put my work clothes in the locker and headed home to meet up with Jihye and Chaeyoung.

~time skip home~

"I'm home!" I yell out and Casper runs up comming to greet me.

"Hey there little Casper. Missed me?" I said and he licked my face.

"Oh Eun! Do you want to go shopping with me today? I have an interview in a couple days for a new job and I don't want to look bad" Chaeyoung said and Jihye came up from behind.

"Let's go find her something nice, shall we?" Jihye replies.

"Sure, just let me get changed and I'll be comming with you guys" I say as I go upstairs to get changed and come back.

We leave to go to the big mall where Jihye's and Chaeyoung's favorite shops are. They start looking in the shops and finally find something for Chaeyoung but they get cought up in the shopping feel and look for more stuff. I eventually leave and go get myself a bubble tea. As I walk around, I remember that I haven't seen Minju in a while so I go to her shop, greet her parents and go in the back to meet her.

"Annyeong Minju!" I say and she replies.

"How have you been?" She asks me.

"I've been good. How about you?" I asked her.

"I've been good also. We have some new puppies also that arrived" She says all happy.

"Jinjja? Can you show me?" I asked her.

"Anything for you" she says and takes out four new puppies.

I look at them in awe and see one behind everybody trying to hide.

"Who is this young fellow?" I asked her.

"He is very shy. He hasn't let anyone touch him yet except I of course" She says.

I walk up to him slowly and let him sniff my hand.

"Don't be scared. I won't hurt a cute thing like you" I said and the puppy got up and came closer to me letting me pet him.

"This is bad" I say.

"Why is that?" She asks me.

"I don't know how Casper will like having a new puppy around" I say laughing embaressed.

"Oh Eun. You get found with the weirdest puppies do you" Minju says laughing.

"I can't help it" I say while petting that little rascal.

"What would you name him then?" She asks me.

"I think I'll call him Skye" I said.

~time skip back home~

"You know you will have to take care of him also right Eun?" Jihye says to me.

"I know, I just couldn't resist" I reply.

"Well, we can't argue he is very cute. If he is well trained like Casper, then I won't mind having him around" Chaeyoung replies.

"We have a slight problem though" I say.

"What is it?" The girls say in unison.

"I don't know how Jaehyun and Casper will react. Taeyong and Ten might also be mad" I say.

"Ten and Taeyong already know. We already told them and surprisingly, they were more excited and okay with it than us" Chaeyoung says laughing.

"That's good then. Casper! Come here boy!" I say and Casper comes running.

"Meet Skye. Skye is your new brother" I say and put down Skye.

Casper sniffs Skye and Skye stays still. Eventually, Casper goes away and brings back a bone and gives it to Skye. Skye takes the bone and starts running around the house with Casper.

"Well they get along pretty well" I say laughing and the girls join.

An hour later, the Taeyong and Ten arrive and see Skye. They go up to him and start petting him. Seems like everyone loves Skye. Now I have to wait for Jaehyun. Not long after Jaehyun arrives home.

"I'm home!" He yells out from the entrance.

"Welcome back" I say and go greet him.

"Why is it so quiet here?" He asks me.

"Well... I don't know if you will be angry or not so... Just follow me" I say taking his hand and bringing him to the livingroom.

"What's this about?" He asks worried.

"Well... We have an addition to the family" I say.

"What? I don't quite understand" He says.

"Ten let him go now" I say and Skye pops down and comes next to me.

"Meet Skye. I thought that Casper would want a friend since he is alone all day" I try to make something up with a hint of truth.

"Finally. Casper won't be as clingy as he already is with you so now I can just have you to myself" Jaehyun says and hugs me.

"You aren't mad?" I ask him.

"Aniyo. I'm glad that I can have you all to myself now" He says laughing.

"Aish my little Casper" I say and hug him back.

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