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Once we got out of the haunted house, Jaehyun was relieved.

"Yah! How could you laugh the full time and not be scared?" He asked me.

"You were the one entertaining me" I replied as I laughed more.

He came up to me and slightly hit me on the head.

"Yah! What was that for!?" I said almost yelling.

"Well I entertained you by being a wimp, now I entertained myself with your reaction" He said and started laughing.

I felt myself blush due to his cute laugh. This little Casper really is good at mixing my feelings. I started walking to cool off my blushing face and he just walked beside me.

"What else do you want to do?" He asked me.

"We basically did all the rides except the ferris wheel. Can we do that jebal?" I asked almost pleading.

"Arasseo" He flashed me a smile.

We got on the ride and it started going up. I noticed Hwayoung and Taeyong together and Ten with Jihye.

"Look down, I found them" I said as I pointed at them.

"Good eye you got there" He said.

"Ne I do. Oh now they are... Arasseo never mind" as I turned away from the window and sat back down.

"What's wrong...ohhh ... Yeah... Let's ignore that" He said sitting in front of me.

They were all kissing. It's totally fun to see that when you are single (sarcastically). The ride stopped when we were completely on top and we could see the full city. It was beautiful and the sunset made it more majestic. When I got up to get a better look of the city, The cabin started wobbling like crazy and we heard something break. I was starting to panic because now the ride was tilting.

"Eun, calm down. It's okay we will get over this" He said as he held on the railing also scared.

"Jaehyun I can't , I am starting to get a pannic attack now" I said as I was heavily breathing.

I was about to cry until Jaehyun took me by the wrist and pulled me towards him. He hugged me tight and didn't let go.

"It's going to be alright. Focus on me ara? Calm down and don't move" He said while hugging me tighter. Because me and Jaehyun were on the same seat, the ride balance back to normal. I couldn't let him go because I was so scared. Once the ride started moving again, it was moving very slowly. I guess the one taking care of the ride noticed that our cabin broke. When we got back to the entrance, I let go of him and thanked him. The girls came running to me and hugged me.

"EUN! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Jihye asked.


"Well thank you for saying that we could've died, that just makes me more happy(sarcastically)" I replied.

I looked over at Jaehyun and saw him chatting with the guys but looked at me and smiled. I excused myself from the girls and told them I need to talk with Jaehyun. I excused myself in front of the boys and took Jaehyun by the wrist and made him follow me. I finally stopped, let his wrist go and faced him.

"Is something wrong Eun?" He asked concerned.

"Kamsahamnida, seriously for what you did" I said blushing a bit.

"Your welcome. I was also scared to so I though it would be best if I did that" He said blushing and embaressed.

"My little Casper is a brave man" I said with a smile and played with his hair a bit.

"Yah! My hair is not a toy" He said laughing and placed his hand on mine.

I took it away quickly and apologized. I noticed a booth with a huge plushie that I always wanted. I eyed it like a hawk and looked at it in awe.

"You want it don't you" Jaehyun said laughing.

"Ne! I really do" I said still eyeing it.

"Well then let's play the booth's game" He said and looked at me with a smile.

After about 30 minutes I finally got the plushie and met up with the gang.
I apologized for bringing him with me but explained after. It was now 11pm and we left the park. Taeyong walked Chaeyoung home and Ten walked Jihye home. Me and Jaehyun were left.

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