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It was about time to go so we said our goodbye's to Min Ju and Casper. We left the mall and went straight to Taeyong's. Once we got in, Jaehyun and Taeyong bro-hugged and I laughed. We went downstairs and now it was Chaeyoung's and Jaehyun's turn to play. The game lasted only five minutes because clearly Jaehyun was a pro. I laughed so hard at Chaeyoung because she was pouting the full time. Now it was mine and Taeyong's turn. Our game ended after a good thirty minutes and like expected I won.

"I see that we will be competing next week huh" Jaehyun said with a smirk.

"You better be ready to get beat by a girl little Casper" I said with my tongue out.

"Oh we will see" He said with a bigger grin.

Today's games were over and we watched a movie for the rest of the night. Everyone fell asleep so fast again amd I started nodding off myself until I got a text.

Mei: Hey Eunie Eoni! Sorry for texting you late. How are you?

Eun: I am good. I brought Jaehyun to the pet store with me to meet Casper. Casper really liked Jaehyun and I thought it was cute.

Mei: That's great! Anything happened between you two yet? ;)

Eun: Yah! Aniyo nothing did and I am not at all in the idea of something happening either.

Mei: You clearly like him. Do something about it.

Eun: I like him but I don't love him. I actually don't even know what is love. This is such a pain. You are making this complicated Dongsaeng. T^T

Mei: You will figure it out soon how much he means to you. Just like me and my babs. Keke

Eun: We will see one day. We are already in august like wow! 2 months of school done at least.

Mei: Don't change the subject. -_-

Eun:Arasseo, I have to go anyways because it is late. Saranghaeyo Mei. Sleep well and take care.

Mei: Saranghaeyo Eoni, sleep well you too!

I closed my phone and went to sleep. Next morning I wake up by someone shaking me. It was Jaehyun.

"Wake up, Breakfast is ready" He said and pulled me by the hand and brought me upstairs.

"Yah! I am not fully awake yet" I said letting go of his grip.

We all ate together and everyone had fun. We talked and played board games the rest of the day. When I got bacm home, I greeted my family like every day amd went downstairs. I went on my computer and watched my favorite show. Tonight was very quiet and relaxing whixh I liked. At 10pm , I heard my phone buzz. When I look at it, I get a text.

Jae: Sleeping yet?

Eun: Aniyo, wae?

Jae: Because I am bored *pout face*

Eun: We got home like 5 hours ago, aren't you keeping yourself entertained?

Jae: Ani there is nothing to do. I want to chat with you.

Eun: I am way to boring to chat to so you should go and spend your time on a video game or something.

Jae: You are not boring, I enjoy talking to you and video games are not really helping with my loneliness.

Eun: Yeah right , video games are life you should not say that.

Jae: They might be but I want to talk with you now.

Eun: What about Taeyong? Or even Ten? They must not be busy.

Jae: Like I said, I want to talk with you. The guys are busy doing whatever. Ten must be at Jihye's like always.

Eun: You are right about Ten and arasseo I give up. You can talk to me.

We talked about random things. It went to funny, to cute, to (what are we talking about' and back to funny. Jaehyun does keep me entertained and I like it. We have been talking for an hour until I told him I would head to bed since tomorrow was basically monday. Another beginning of a school week. Good thing we are in the last days of august and beggining of september. I fell alseep very quickly after my conversation with Jaehyun.

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