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I jumped on my bed and started texting in the group chat with Jihye, Tae, Chaeyoung and Ten.

Eun: I have arrived fellow humans!

Ji: Welcome back!

Chae: Hi!

Ten: Yo!

Tae: -_-

Eun: Really Tae ?! Why that face? xD

Tae: Thought it was funny.

Chae: Okay guys, I want to know if we could make plans for this weekend. Who is up for it?

Ji: I am ready to go!

Ten: I will follow because Love is going.

Tae: Sure , why not.

Chae: Eun?

Eun: ...

Chae: Really?

Eun: Give me a sec let me go ask.

I left the chat and went to see my eomma. I asked her if I could go out this weekend and she said yes for one specific reason. I never go out. Yup I am that insider type but for my friends(to me are family) I would do anything. I go back downstairs and start the chat again.

Eun: Yes I can come. What are we going to do though?

Chae: Well... I thought maybe going shopping because we haven't done that in a while.

Eun: You talked with Jihye privately did you -_-

Ji: That she did! Eun Jebal!

Eun: Because it is you guys, then I am okay with it.

Tae: Where do we meet up?

Ten: Let's meet up where we always seperate after school.

Ji: Oppa is smart :P

Ten: Yes he is ;)

Chae: Okay guys stop flirting and do it in private chat!

Eun: I am with Chaeyoung on that!

Tae: Same with me.

We talked normally and trolled eachother for a good 3 hours and decided to end the conversation there. It was about 11:30 pm and I decided to go rest. It was 8:00 am in the morning when my alarm went off. Today is another day of school and I am pretty sure it is going to be boring. Starting school in June sucks. I got ready and texted Taeyong to wait for me at our parting point. Once I get there, I get greeted with a smile and we start walking together to school. We both don't need to talk, just our presence being known to eachother is enough to make me happy. Yes, I am a very quiet person and so is Taeyong. Let's just say, this is one reason why me and him get along so well. Once we arrive in class, we greet the family and go sit at our places. When it was lunch time, Everyone went to the rooftop to go eat and I said I would meet up with them in a few. I go to the washroom then get out to join them. I put my headphones on and start jamming to music. As I start walking, someone bumps into me hard and almost makes me loose balance. I take out my headphones and turn around to see who it was.

"Yah! Be careful on what you bump into next time" I said.

"Oh I am sorry, I didn't mean to ruin your little music time" She said with a smirk on her face.

"So you want to play this game like that huh" I said as I crossed my arms.

"Honey, it doesn't mean that because you are friends with the most popular girls in school including Ten and Taeyong that you have to act tough" She said as she started pushing me bit by bit.

She was attracting attention and not just a bit. Alot of people started looking at us and hoping that this girl was going to win this battle.

"Sorry sweety, I don't hang around fake people like you. They are actually better than you in every single way, so I suggest you to back off" I said with annoyance in my voice.

"I don't understand what they see in you. You are not even popular, you are single, you look like a rag taken out of the dump and the worst part is, How can they not see how filthy you are?" She said pushing me harder.

As I lifted my hand up to go and slap her in the face, someone grabbed my arm so I couldn't move it.

"Now, now, baby. It is not nice to hit filthy things because your hands will get dirty. Let's go and freshen up, shall we?" The voice said.

I knew who it was... It was Taeyong.

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