Dreaming of a Family

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Suggested by: @PrincessPeach211 Happy Birthday!

I looked down at the plastic stick. As I watched, a blue plus sign appeared in the window. Shit. I can't have a child. It's impossible with the life of a hunter. I still have some resentment for my own father because of my childhood. There was a knock at the door. "Dean? Everything alright?" Sam asked through the closed door.

"Fine" I replied before opening the door, "I'm going for a drive" Sam gave me a worried look. He stepped to the side to let me out of the bathroom. I went for my jacket, Sam was trailing behind me. "I just want to be alone for a while, okay. I'll be back later"

"You sure?" he asked. I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"Yeah, I promise I'll be back. I just need to think"

He nodded, "I love you, no matter what happens"

"I know. I love you too" I replied before walking out the door, leaving Sam alone in our motel room. I slid into the drivers side of my Impala. My baby. Now I'm going to have a real, living, breathing baby; not just a car nicknamed Baby. After a deep breath, I turned the key in the ignition and pulled out of the motel parking lot. It was pretty late, and there wasn't much traffic, so I let my mind wonder (more than usual when I'm driving). I began to think about my situation: raising a child with Sam. I mean, I do want kids someday. I did practically raise Sammy myself since Dad wasn't around too much, and he didn't turn out bad. I thought about watching this kid grow up. Hopefully he or she will have a better life than Sam and I; not that our life is bad, it's just rough most of the time. This could be my chance to actually have a family. Sam, me, and this baby. I felt a smile grow onto my face. I want this. Unconsciously, my hand rested on my stomach. I turned the Impala around. I need to go back to be with Sam.

I flung our motel room door open and stepped inside. Sam looked up from his spot on the foot of our bed. There was relief his eyes. His arms automatically went around me when I sat next to him. "I need to tell you something"

A smile appeared on his face, "I know. You left the pregnancy test on the bathroom counter"

"I want this. I want to have a family of our own"

"I do too, Dean" his hand moved to rest on my stomach. I placed my hand on top of his. He leaned toward me until our lips met. My eyes closed as he kissed me softly. I pulled away from the kiss to bury my face into Sam's neck. His arms wrapped tightly around me. Embracing me in a hug.

"What would I ever do without you?" My breath rose goosebumps on his skin as I spoke. He didn't say anything, just held me tightly against him, telling me he wasn't ever going to let me go.

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