Sympathy for the Samifer Part 3

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I've suddenly developed a David Bowie obsession and  I watched Thor Ragnarok yesterday, it was awesome. 

Shout out to angelsarefalling666, check them out sometime!

Suggested by sorry_IDGAF

Dean touched his stomach. Any day now he would have his baby. He couldn't wait. Being pregnant was hard on him and he was tired of it; he just wanted to see his baby already. 

"You did say that once I had this baby, you'd leave Sam alone, right?" Dean questioned Lucifer. 

The devil possessing Sam's body nodded, "Your pregnancy was my fault. I just want to see it through."

Dean agreed, but he wasn't sure if Lucifer was telling him the whole truth, he was the devil, after all. 


"Alright, Dean, we almost have him out," the doctor said from the other side of the blue sheet that kept Dean's surgery out of view and sterile. 

A couple minutes later, the doctor said, "Got him!" Dean felt some movement, heard a slap, followed by the wail of a newborn. A nurse got the child wrapped up and whisked him away to make sure everything was okay. 

"You'll see him as soon as they check him out," the doctor continued as he stitched Dean incision. Dean looked at Lucifer, who was standing next to his bed. Something flashed in Lucifer's eyes and he suddenly ran his fingers through Dean's short hair. 

Soon, Dean's sutures were completed, and his new baby, Axl Declan was in a crib next to his bed. 

"Okay, I had the baby. Time for you to give up Sam's body." 

Lucifer looked at the sleeping baby with what looked like hunger in his eyes. 

"Now, Dean, the little champ is my son, too. Are you going to make me leave so soon?" 

"Lucifer, you promised."

Lucifer rolled his eyes dramatically. 

For the next three days that Dean was in the hospital with Axl, Lucifer refused to leave Sam's body and watched the baby very closely. Eventually, Dean was allowed to go home. He let Lucifer drive while he cradled his newborn. When they arrived home, Dean placed Axl safely into his new crib. Suddenly, Lucifer was behind Dean. Dean fought back the urge to punch Lucifer in front of his child. 

"What do you want so bad that you won't give Sam's body up?" Dean asked, gritting his teeth. 

Lucifer refused to answer. He stared at Axl sleeping in his crib, almost like he was willing the baby to do something. He reached out to touch the child, but Dean grabbed his wrist. 

"No, you will not touch my baby, you hear me?" Dean threatened. Lucifer might be in Sam's body, but, as Dean realized, he was still Lucifer. 

Later that night, Dean was in the nursery, feeding Axl a bottle of formula and rocking him lightly, trying to get the baby to sleep. He heard a thud on the floor. Dean placed Axl in his crib and went out to investigate. Sam's body was on the ground in the hallway. Dean knelt next to his brother. Sam gasped, making Dean jump slightly. 

"Sammy?" Dean asked hopefully. 

"Dean!" Sam replied excitedly, grabbing Dean and pulling him into a tight hug. 

"Finally, he let you go," Dean said. 

Sam suddenly let go of Dean, "Axl! Is he okay? Did you let Lucifer touch him?" 

"No, why?" 

"Dean, he's the offspring of an angel and a human. Lucifer was seeing if he had nephilium powers." 

"That's why he wouldn't let you go?" 

Sam nodded, "He gave up and decided that he wasn't special, but he might be back sometime." 

"We'll be ready. In the mean time, there's someone you need to meet." Dean smiled as he led Sam into the nursery. Sam walked up to the crib and gazed upon Axl. 

"Dean, he's beautiful." 

"I know, Sammy." 

"We have a baby," Sam said in disbelief. 

Dean laughed quietly, "Yes we do." 

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