New Acquaintances

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The carriage ride had been quite boring without Jason. Yes, he held a straight face and hardly, if never, smiled. But he kept (Y/N) from feeling lonely with his peaceful and quiet presence. Her mind started drifting to the past, like it usually did when there was nothing to do. She would think of before she met Ciel. She would think of her father and what he was like before his business became huge and he was drowned in paperwork. He would play with her almost everyday and so would her mother. But that was when her sickness was starting to show and she stayed in her room much more. Then her fathers work started to pile in so he would lock himself in his study not coming out for anything. He would have his food sent to the study and would sleep in the spare bed in the room too. (Y/N) started to feel neglected. She would think depressing thoughts that no 4 year old should ever have to think. That is when her father finally unlocked himself from the darkness of his office and introduced her, to Ciel Phantomhive.

He was a very shy boy, hiding behind his fathers legs. He had lovely raven hair and amazingly blue eyes. (Y/N) finally had someone to play with after weeks of being alone, so she was very excited. She went over to talk to the boy who was still hanging around his father.

"Hello!" (Y/N) went over and greeted him, trying to sound as nice as she could. Just like her father told her to. Unfortunately her loud greeting had scared the poor boy, and as he turned around, he fell over his own feet and onto his back.

"O-ow..." He rubbed the back of his head where he had hurt it, as tears started to swell in his eyes. (Y/N) was horrified. Her first friend that she was able to talk to, and she had tripped him up and made him cry. She quickly tried to make up for.

"O-Oh my goodness! A-are you OK?! Does it hurt?! Let me help you up!" She bombarded the boy with questions to check his well being, but her over excitement causing the boy to be even more scared. (Y/N) saw this and tears started to swell in her eyes as well. She let out at quiet whimper as she tried to stop the tears. Her father heard her quiet cry and turned to see what was the matter. He saw what was going on and sighed in annoyance. Ciels father heard his sigh and followed his gaze towards the two children. When he saw what was going on he chuckled as he went to pick up his son. (Y/N)'s father doing the same.

"(Y/N), what did you do now?" Her father gave her a handkerchief and she used it to dry her eyes as she watched Ciels father help up Ciel.

"W-w-well I was e-excited to have some-someone to pl-ay with. Because y-you and mother are s-spending less t-time with m-me," (Y/N)'s father began to understand where the story was going and began to stroke his daughters hair as she continued. "So w-when yo-you said I had someone to p-play with I got o-over excited... Sorry father..." She bowed her head apologetically and fiddled with the hem of her white-ribbon dress. Her father sighed and bent down to her level and gave her a hug. (Y/N) can still remember the warmth from her father that day. She felt like her father actually noticed her. So she was upset when the warmth left her as he stood up. He took his daughters hand and walked back over to the Phantomhives. This time the acts had been switched. Ciel was now the one bouncing in his boots waiting for (Y/N), and she was the one who was hiding behind her father. Ciel bounded over to her and grabbed her hand. The two fathers watched as Ciel gave it a slobbery childish kiss and (Y/N)'s face erupt into different shades of red and pink. The two children ran off to play and make a bond that neither of them would forget.

The carriage made a sudden stop which knocked (Y/N) from her memories. She knew how far the cemetery was and even while daydreaming, she could tell it hadn't been that long. She waited for a few minutes, just in case another carriage was passing. But after a long while (Y/N) finally got out to investigate. Her carriage driver was on the road arguing with another driver. (Y/N) was about to storm over to her driver and ask what was so important, when she noticed a small boy on the ground. Without thinking she rushed over to the boy and knelt onto the floor. Her driver finally noticed her and gasped as he saw what she was doing. (Y/N) had the small boys head on her lap as she checked for injuries, while stroking his hair.

"M'lady! That boy is a peasant! He shall dirty your dress with his filth--!"

"Enough!" She couldn't stand hearing a small boy being criticised by someone who lives near enough the same way. The boy looked a few years younger than she was. Maybe six years younger? He had chocolate brown hair and dirt had caked his pale skin and rags that he wore as clothes.

"What happened to this boy?" (Y/N) continued to pet the boy as she questioned the older males.

The other carriage driver spoke up first. "Well ah' was drivin' my passenger to his destination, when this bloody idiot swerved inta' the wrong lane an' 'is horses crashed inta' mine!" (Y/N) cringed slightly as she tried to ignore his accent and focus on what he was saying.

"Well I did so, to try and avoid that boy that ran into the road! One of his horses kicked the kid unconscious!" (Y/N)'s own driver spoke up this time and pointed to one of the opposing horses. When she looked back, she saw a large gash on the side of the boys head and small lines of blood dribbling onto his cheek, where the horse had kicked him. She brought out her own handkerchief and brushed away the blood. She brought the boy up onto her knees before wobbling to try and stand up, having to have her driver keep her on her feet. She rested the boys head on her chest and held his back and legs.

"M'lady, what are you...?"

"Forget the cemetery, we're going back home. With this boy."

The driver looked taken aback. A noble taking home a peasant? Unheard of. Meanwhile the other driver looked disgusted at (Y/N).

"What on earth is taking THAT long?!" The passenger of the other carriage finally decided to exit and reveal themselves. He was a boy, about the same age as (Y/N). Maybe slightly older. He had gorgeous blond hair and light blue eyes. He wore a purple jacket and waste coat and black booty shorts and black socks with brown boots up to the knees with purple bows on them. Behind him a man with a stoic face which reminded him of Jason. He wore a black suit and he glasses and had black hair. (Y/N) stood up straight as the boy and his companion walked over.

"What is the matter? We have place to be!" (Y/N) looked the new boy up and down and confirmed to herself he was indeed, a spoiled brat. The stirring unconscious boy wriggling in her arms reminded her that she needed to get the boy back to the mansion, so she alerted her driver.

"Driver, we're done here. Lets go." He nodded and scurried back to the carriage before trying to round up one of the horses that had escaped the reins. The boy then took notice of her, and who she was carrying.

"Hey! That's the boy who ran into the road, Claude! Hes the one who caused this!" Her grip on the boy tightened into a more secure one as 'Claude' looked at him. "You there! Why are you holding that boy? Do you know him? You are a noble aren't you?"

"Yes. My name is (Y/N) (L/N). No I don't know him. He was injured by one of your carriage horses, so i'm taking him back to my mansion until he is well."

"Oh.." The boy gazed at her for a few moments and there was silence between them until he spoke again. "Well, my name is Alois Trancy! And this is Claude. Hes my butler." Alois introduced himself and his butler before looking back at the boy.

"Charmed" (Y/N) gave a blunt answer before turning to leave.


Good god. I just want to go home! What more could he possibly need?!

"You know, me and Claude could save you the trouble and take that boy off your pretty hands." Alois smirked and looked into her (E/C) eyes. (Y/N) feeling uneasy shook her head and began to talk again.

"No need. I already decided to keep him. It was nice to meet you Mister Alois, Claude. Good day." She walked away, her black heeled boots making a clicking sound as they hit the concrete floor and her dress frills flowing behind her. She glanced at the pair one last time before carrying the boy into the carriage. She sat down and placed the boy onto the seat next to her with his head on her lap. The carriage started to move and (Y/N) saw out the window the strange pair again, looking straight at her until she was out of sight. During the ride, (Y/N) felt the boy stirring in his sleep and he wrapped his arms around her waste and nuzzled his face into her stomach before sighing in content. (Y/N) didn't know how to react at first, but smiled with a tiny blush tainting her cheeks as she began to stroke his hair out of his face.

She had always wanted a younger sibling.

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