Ugly Truth

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Acelina groaned and stretched her wings, cringing as she heard them crack and pop from being bent for so long. Her head ached and the rest of her body followed with it as she struggled to pinpoint the exact location on her body where she was most wounded. As she sat up her nose was quickly struck with the overwhelming smell of demons.

To her, just one demon already smelt as foul as can be but when a group of them were in the same room, her eyes would water from the stench and if the stray tear that slipped down her face was any indication, then all of them were in big trouble.

She sat up slowly and as her vision became clearer she quickly saw the ones causing the smell; The Sept Mortel's Family. A family that she knew all to well, specifically Lust, the matriarch of the family and the reason her body aches if she spends too much time in her human form. 

Acelina and Lust had come into contact many decades ago and the encounter had ended with the angel being so badly wounded that her capability to remain as a human and hide her wings was weakened, meaning it was harder for her to blend into human society much to her dismay.

She glared at the demon and the urge to end it's miserable life consumed her. She stood up, albeit with a bit of a struggle, and ran swiftly towards it. Her hand began to glow as she called upon the Lord and his purifying light engulfed her hand which she raised, ready to strike the demon.

Said demon looked up and only smirked at the familiar figure before another of its kind stepped into her line of vision, taking the form of Nigel (L/N), (Y/N)'s father. This momentarily shocked Acelina and gave 'Nigel' enough time to uppercut the angel and send her flying back across the room.

(Y/N) watched in shock as she hit the wall and turned back to the man she would call her father.

"D-Dad? What the hell.....what's going on!?" She yelled in confusion.

'Nigel' simply turned to her and just stared blankly.

"What's the matter, honey~?" The female demon purred. "Don't recognise dear, old daddy~?"

"I know what my father looks like! But last time I checked, he can't fling people across a room with a single punch! What did you do to him!?"

The group chuckled among-st themselves much to her fury.

"Nothing that he didn't cause himself." The red haired man spoke up. "But I'm surprised it wasn't obvious to you. If I were you I would have known straight away, but we can't all be like me though, can we?" He bragged.

"What are you talking about?" She clenched her fists in frustration.

"Do you remember the very night that your father went missing~? All those many years ago~?"

"Of course I do. It was one of the worst days of my life."

"Then you should know that that was the very night your father died~~~!" She said with a giggle.

(Y/N)'s breathing hitched and she felt her heart drop. ''Die''? All those years ago, he had died? That cannot be true. Her father can't be dead, she saw him a few days ago.


It had been days since she had last saw him.

How had it slipped her mind?

How had her own father, the man she was only reunited with mere days ago after so many years of being alone, slipped her mind!? Where the hell did he go?!

She struggled to understand and the confusion showed on her face causing the woman demon to giggle again.

"You think demon contracts are like simple, human business deals~?" Her words dripped with poison. 

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