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Kagami stepped off the bus for the second time.  First time was after he realized that he'd missed his stop because he'd been so lost in thought.  He was finally walking up to his apartment and he was hoping to be alone.  He hoped that Makoto wasn't annoyed with him, he hadn't meant to snap at him or anything, he'd just been constantly thinking about Aomine leaving lunch earlier that day.  He knew it was bound to happen sooner or later, but it still hurt Kagami more than he could put into words.  Certainly more than he wanted to tell Makoto.

He got up to his apartment, Kuroko was sitting at the table studying.  Kagami was glad that he was busy because he really didn't want to talk to him either.  Kuroko was his longest friend, he could tell him anything.  But Kagami knew he wouldn't really understand.  If he told Kuroko, Kuroko would just question why Kagami did nothing and let himself get hurt.

Kagami made it to his room, barely shutting the door before he broke down, collapsing to the floor, head hanging in his hands.  He felt a buzz in his pocket but didn't pull out his phone.  He figured it was either Makoto asking what was wrong or Aomine bragging about earlier.  Neither of which he could handle at the moment.

His phone kept buzzing, so he finally took it out to see that Himuro was calling him.  He looked at it for a moment, brow furrowed.  He wasn't sure why Himuro would be calling him so soon, if at all.  He wiped his eyes, before answering the phone.  He knew Himuro wouldn't see him crying, but he wouldn't talk evenly if he was crying and he didn't want Himuro to know his current emotional state.  He took a deep breath, "Hello?"

"Taiga~" Himuro seemed to enjoy saying every syllable of Kagami's first name.  Himuro continued in an overly sweet voice, "I'm so glad you picked up."

"Is there something I can do for you?"  Kagami wasn't in the mood for talking, but he didn't want to ruin his chances with Himuro's job.

"I was wondering if you've had time to think about my proposition from last night," Himuro started, a small laugh following his statement, "I know it hasn't been very long-"

"I'll do it."  Kagami responded before Himuro even finished asking.  Kagami knew that he should've actually thought about the job before impulsively saying yes, but he wanted the extra money.  He had thought that this new job might get Aomine's attention, but now he just needed something to take his mind off his friend.

There was a pause before Himuro responded, surprise lining his voice, "Perfect.  Why don't you come down to the studio in an hour.  We can go over the contract and logistics and get everything set."

"Alright, I'll be there."  Kagami didn't wait for Himuro's response before hanging up.  He let his phone fall out of his hand.  He slumped forward again to lay his head on his knees.  He needed to pull himself together before heading out again, but he couldn't keep himself from tearing up again.

[A/N: which would you want to know about first? The job or what happened with Aomine?]

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