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"Just a little more Taiga... Yeah that's it, just like that."

A bright light flashed in his eyes, leaving him unable to see for the better part of a minute.  But he didn't move, he stayed positioned as instructed until he was told to move or that he could rest.  The light kept flashing always followed by a ka-chk sound.  Still he didn't move.  Or at least he tried not too, he'd never thought of himself as as fidgety person, but here he was, barely able to sit still for five minutes.  It didn't help that he was sitting on his knees, legs spread apart, leaning forward just enough for his fingertips to rest on the ground beneath him.  As per the agreement, his head was also tilted back just enough so that the camera couldn't see his face clearly.

Finally the flashing stopped and he could start to see again.  Himuro said to him, "Very good Taiga~"  Himuro's voice was sickeningly sweet but it sent an uneasy chill down Kagami's spine.  Kagami let out a breath and relaxed into a more comfortable sitting position, bringing his legs unnecessarily close together.  He just felt so exposed sitting like that, barely covered in front of the camera.  Kagami opened his mouth to say something but changed his mind.

Himuro smiled, looking through the pictures on the camera.  He looked back up at Kagami, "I just know that ours are going to eat you up."

"Now let's try another angle," Himuro walked towards him.  He started to direct Kagami's movement again, placing his hands on Kagami in various places to get the position just right.  Kagami wondered if it was really more of an excuse for Himuro to touch him, but he couldn't say for certain, nor did he push him away.  Himuro finally stepped back, "That's it, perfect, Taiga."

Kagami did his best to stay still for the next round of pictures, but this time was even harder.  He was standing with his side to the camera, back slightly arched back, head tilted back to extend the arch, his hands laid over each other and resting just beneath his chin.  Himuro even went so far as to tell him to keep his mouth slightly agape.  Holding this pose felt like even longer than the previous one.  He wasn't sure if it was or not, but Himuro seemed to be taking his sweet time taking pictures.  Still, he tried to focus on holding the poses because that was all that he wanted occupying his mind at the moment, even if that meant that he was more aware of how painfully naked he was.  He rather feel embarrassed than feel hurt.

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