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Makoto groaned as he got out of bed, he didn't want to leave Sousuke's warm arms but he'd already tried waiting and whoever was knocking on their front door wouldn't stop.  Makoto turned on his phone on the nightstand, it was after one in the morning.  Who would be bothering them this late?  Makoto pulled on Sousuke's big teal sweatshirt over his pajamas.  He tried to be quiet, Sousuke seemed to be able to sleep through the knocking and he didn't want to wake him up.

Makoto made his way to the living room, little Aqua jumping up from her place on the couch and walking between Makoto's legs.  He chuckled, bending down to pick her up.  "Let's see who's at the door," he whispered.

He looked through the peephole, gasping when he saw Kagami standing there, a big backpack slung over his shoulder.  Makoto quickly opened the door, "Kagami, what are you doing here?"

Kagami was shaking just standing there, he looked completely disheveled, hair a mess and clothes in disarray, a torn lip.  "Can I crash here for the night?"

Makoto opened the door more, stepping back, Aqua tucked tightly in one arm.  "Of course, come in."  Kagami staggered forward, hand tracing the wall to keep himself standing.  Makoto looked at him with a worried expression, he followed him inside, "Kagami... what happened?  Did something happen to your apartment?"

Kagami shook his head, going straight for Makoto's couch, dropping his backpack and then falling onto the couch.  "I can't stay there anymore..."

"What happened?"  Makoto asked again, sitting in a chair, looking at Kagami.

"He was drunk, I don't know why came to me, but he did," Kagami turned his face to hide against the couch cushions, "He forced himself..."

Makoto was horrified, someone actually forced themselves on him?  He was such a sweet person, he didn't deserve that.  He gently set Aqua down and moved to sit down next to Kagami on the edge of the couch, resting a hand on his shoulder.  That's when he noticed blood stains seeping through Kagami's pants.  "Who did this to you?"

Kagami shook his head, resisting from telling Makoto.  Makoto did hear him say something and from what he could make out, it sounded like Kagami said, "Aomine..."

He didn't believe it, well he didn't want to.  Aomine was Kagami's best friend, Makoto never would've thought he'd do something like this.  Especially after he talked to him in the cat cafe the other day.  Makoto gently rubbed Kagami's shoulder, "You should go to the hospital."

Kagami shook his head, "I just need a shower."

"Kagami..."  Makoto said quietly, "You're bleeding..."

"I don't need a hospital!"  Kagami snapped, scrunching his shoulders and avoiding Makoto's gaze.

Makoto let out a sigh, he knew he couldn't force him to do anything and if Kagami didn't want to go the hospital or any authorities about what happened, then he wouldn't try to make him.  "You can shower here and stay as long as you'd like."

"Thank you," Kagami barely breathed out.  He stayed curled up on the couch, so Makoto decided to get up and give him some space.

He went back towards their bedroom and saw Sousuke standing in the doorway.  Sousuke narrowed his eyes, taking Makoto's hand and pulling him towards him.  "What's going on?  Why is Kagami sleeping on our couch?"

"Something just happened to him..." Makoto bit his lip, he wasn't sure he should tell Sousuke, it wasn't really up to him to tell people.  "I told him he could stay here for a while."

Sousuke just looked at Makoto, his eyes wide in disbelief, "What?"

"Sousuke!  He was," Makoto stopped himself, saying more quietly, "He was raped..."

Sousuke's expression changed, he wasn't annoyed anymore, he held onto Makoto's hand tightly.  "That's not right..." he rubbed Makoto's hand, looking into his eyes, "You're a good friend for being here for him."

Makoto hugged Sousuke, laying his head on Sousuke's shoulder, "I just want him to be happy."

Sousuke gently rubbed his back, holding Makoto tightly, "He will be because he'll you there for him."

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