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"Wait, what?" Aomine stared at Kagami, disbelief edging his voice as he said, "You lived with a junkie for a month and you ran away from home three times?"

Kagami dropped his gaze, pushing himself as from Aomine as he could, which considering his back was pressed up against the door, wasn't far.  "Like I said, I've done things I'm not proud of."

Aomine stepped back a little, straightening out his clothes and fixing Kagami's as well.  He took Kagami by the hand, pulling him towards the bed.  "Tell me everything."

He dragged his feet as he followed Aomine to the bed.  He really didn't want to tell Aomine everything.  There wasn't much good in the story and reliving it was something Kagami had been avoiding since he came to Japan.  He sat down on the bed, scooting up to sit by the head of the bed, hugging Aomine's pillow and leaning against the wall.  He took a deep breath before saying, "My dad has a very prosperous, upstanding business back home in L.A..  He has the kind of business that more or less is in the business of buying and selling other businesses...."

[AN: I'm sorry this has been so long for me to update this! I hope you like this brief update! The reason why it's so brief is that I'm thinking of doing the next few parts as flashback scenes instead of having Kagami just sit and tell the story to Aomine. This being said, I'd like your thoughts on this idea, particularly before I go through with it xD so if you have preferences, I'd love to hear them! Do you want a flashback to Kagami's life when he was 13/14 and with his family in LA? Let me know! 😊]

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