59 - Continued

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Makoto bit his lip, trying to stifle the moans that threatened to pass his lips. All Sousuke was doing was kissing his neck. But it was the way Sousuke kissed his neck and sucked on the skin, the way Sousuke had his hands on Makoto's hips. Makoto pressed himself closer to Sousuke, he just wanted to be one with his love.

Sousuke paused to whisper in Makoto's ear, "That excited?"

Makoto blushed heavily, glancing to the side. He held onto Sousuke tighter, "I just love how you like to be with me so much."

"Geez," Sousuke pushed Makoto against the bed, laying over him, "You should not be allowed to be so cute." Makoto blushed more and he was sure Sousuke could see it despite how dark their room was. Sousuke leaned in, kissing Makoto deeply. Makoto kissed him back, indulging in the sweet taste of Sousuke's lips.

Makoto started to grind his hips against Sousuke's, he wasn't usually so forward, but he just couldn't stop himself. Sousuke didn't say anything about it. He didn't break from the kiss, he just returned the action. He rolled his hips against Makoto's, their hard members rubbing against each other. Makoto moaned through the kiss, he wanted more of Sousuke.

Slowly, Sousuke pulled back from the kiss, looking down at Makoto as he pulled off Makoto's shirt. Makoto blushed, looking back up at Sousuke. He was already shirtless because that was how he liked to sleep and oh did Sousuke's perfect body make Makoto blush. Sousuke smiled, leaning in to peck Makoto's lips as he undid his pants.

"I love you, Makoto," Sousuke whispered against Makoto's ear before rubbing his member against Makoto's entrance and pushing in. Makoto's hands flew up to his face, tightly covering his mouth. He could feel Sousuke smile against his neck as he pushed in all the way. Makoto had to bite his lip too to keep from moaning loudly. Sousuke whispered against Makoto's ear, "You're so sexy."

Makoto blushed, smiling. He turned his head towards Sousuke's, locking his lips with his lover's. Sousuke kissed him back deeply, holding onto Makoto's hips as he started to move. He kept his thrusts slow and deep, filling Makoto all the way up on the inside. It felt fantastic, Makoto loved this slow way Sousuke was moving. He felt Sousuke's love, all the emotions and the quiet passion. He knew how much Sousuke really cared for him and he wanted to give Sousuke everything.

[AN: I hope you liked their super smexy fun times! 😊 I just felt like going for a cuter vibe in this and so I just had to end it when I did, I hope I didn't leave anyone hanging!]

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