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It'd already been a couple days since Makoto told Kagami about Alex and Kagami hadn't told him how things went with her. Makoto was doing his best to not let it bother him, mostly for Sousuke's sake. He really did need to stop worrying about his friends more than he did about his boyfriend. Still, it was hard because he knew how soft and fragile Kagami could be. For now, he did his best to push Kagami out of his mind and keep walking towards the cat cafe with Sousuke.

Sousuke didn't usually walk him to work, but since Sousuke had some errands of his own to do, they decided to leave together. Makoto gave Sousuke's hand a gentle squeeze, smiling up at him. Sousuke turned to look at Makoto, his eyebrows slightly raised, "What's that for?"

Makoto shrugged, still smiling happily, "I'm just happy that you've put up with me even when I've been neglectful for so long..."

Sousuke stopped as they got to the cat cafe, holding Makoto close to him. He rested a hand on Makoto's cheek, looking into his green eyes. "Don't ever say that. I'm not just putting up with you and you haven't been neglectful," Sousuke's expression relaxed into a smile, "I'm here because I love you and I know you feel the same."

Makoto smiled wider, nuzzling his cheek against Sousuke's hand. "I'm glad to hear you say that. I will always love you, I'm just glad you know that."

"Of course," Sousuke laughed a little, rubbing his thumb over Makoto's cheek, "We've been together for years and I'd like to think I know you at least that well."

"How do you always make me feel so special?" Makoto giggled, resting his hand over Sousuke's, "I could see myself spending the rest of my life with you."

Sousuke didn't say anything in response, he just pulled Makoto closer. He pressed his lips to Makoto's, kissing him deeply. Makoto was almost a little surprised, but he immediately kissed Sousuke back. He meant what he said, he couldn't imagine his life without Sousuke in it and he didn't want to.

After a long moment, Makoto pulled back. As much as he would like to stay in Sousuke's arms, he had to get to his shift, the kittens needed him too. He smiled, "I love you, Sousuke."

"You too," Sousuke smiled back, kissing Makoto's forehead, "I'll be here when you're done, we can go out to dinner."

Makoto giggled, "You're spoiling me."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Sousuke stepped back, giving Makoto's hand one last squeeze, "Have fun with the cats."

Makoto nodded, he loved how sweet Sousuke was. He felt so special when Sousuke was like that. He watched Sousuke walk down the street for a moment before heading into the cafe. He let out a sigh, wanting to hold onto his good mood and headed for the staff room.

He saw Kagami in there, this was the first time they had a shift together in a while. Makoto went to his locker, putting his bag in it. He stole a glance at Kagami. Kagami seemed so focused, brow creased, staring intently at the locker in front of him. Makoto swallowed, he almost didn't want to bother Kagami, but he could tell something was wrong. "Kagami?"

Kagami started, stepping back from the locker, looking around for a moment before he saw Makoto. "Sorry, I didn't see you come in."

Makoto smiled, the smile that was really just hiding his concern. "How did things go with Alex?"

"Ehh..." Kagami shrugged, leaning back against the lockers, "It just brought up a lot of stuff that I hadn't thought about in a long time."

"Do you... want to talk about it?" Makoto wasn't really sure he wanted to hear a sad story right now, but if it would help Kagami, he would listen.

Kagami shrugged again, looking down at the floor in front of his feet. "I ran away three times in one year. Each time, Alex was the one my dad sent to find me. She got me out of some pretty bad situations..."

Makoto stepped closer to Kagami. He had to admit that he was curious about what happened to Kagami when he was younger. They'd been close for a while, but Kagami had always kept his past to himself. Until now. Makoto tentatively asked, "Why did you run away?"

"Aomine may have been the first person to rape me, but he wasn't the first person to violate me," Kagami wouldn't look Makoto in the eye, "The last time I ran away, I don't know how, but I got involved with a drug dealer. I was 14 and on my way to becoming a junkie, but Alex came and took me kicking and screaming from the guy."

"I didn't realize how much you had to go through..." Makoto honestly didn't know what to say in response to Kagami. Some of the things he'd done sounded so crazy, Makoto couldn't even begin to imagine.

Kagami shrugged again, standing up. "Nah, don't worry about me." He walked towards the door, looking back at Makoto, "I'd rather just focus on the cats." Makoto nodded, following after Kagami and they both headed out to take care of the cats in the cafe.

[AN: I decided to break up all the angst with a little SouMako mixed in! ^^ I hope you enjoyed the sweet feels in this chapter! There will be some nice SouMako moments coming soon too! Next part will probably be getting back to Kagami cuz I have a lot of angst planned for him! I'm also curious if your opinions of Alex have changed knowing some of what she's done for Kagami!]

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