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Once again, Makoto was closing up the cat cafe when someone was knocking at the front door.  Makoto walked over, he could see Aomine standing on the other side of the glass door, out in the freezing cold January weather.  Makoto didn't want to be mean and make Aomine stand out in the cold, but after what he did to Kagami, he didn't want to just let him in.  "What do you want, Aomine?"

"Hello to you too," Aomine snapped, stepping closer to the door, "Can I come in?  It's fucking cold out here."

"We're closed."  Makoto had to be strong, "I know what you did to my friend."

Aomine looked down for a moment, "I just found out myself..."

"How could you not remember something like that?"  Makoto narrowed his eyes at Aomine, trying to decide if he wanted to believe him or not.

"I know I drank too much," Aomine looked back up at Makoto, "I would never have done that if I had been the slightest bit sober."

"That doesn't change what happened," Makoto stood straighter, looking up at Aomine, "And I will stand by my friend."  He turned his back, starting to walk away.

But Aomine called after him, "I want to make it up to him."  Makoto stopped, looking over his shoulder at him.  Aomine continued, "He won't answer my calls or texts and he won't meet me.  And I get it, he deserves to hate me.  But I still can't stand the thought of him actually hating me."

"You're apologizing for your own sake," Makoto shook his head, "Not his."

"Look, I know I'm a selfish asshole," Aomine rested his fist against the glass, "But I never wanted to hurt him.  Just please give him this."  Aomine held up a smallish box.

Makoto walked closer to the door, looking at the box in Aomine's hand.  It didn't look any too special, not even wrapped, it was just a plain cardboard box.  Makoto had to wonder what was special about its contents if Aomine thought it would get Kagami to soften.

Aomine looked at him, gesturing with the box, "Please?"

Makoto looked at it before letting out a sigh, he figured it might make Kagami happy to see that Aomine felt bad about what happened.  He unlocked the door, opening it just enough to reach his hand through and extend it for the box.  Aomine rolled his eyes a little before handing the box over to Makoto.  Aomine set the box in Makoto's outstretched hand, still holding onto it as he said, "Tell him that I'd like to talk to him, that there's something I need to say to him."

Makoto nodded, gripping the box, "I'll tell him."

Aomine nodded and stepped back, smiling slightly before walking away.  Makoto wondered what Aomine wanted to tell Kagami, he certainly hadn't expected Aomine to be so regretful of what he did.  He was glad that Aomine was feeling bad because of what he did because Makoto had seen all of Kagami's tears and he deserved better.

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