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He only stopped running when he was sure no one was following him anymore.  He didn't care about the backpack he left behind, there was no going back for it.  Tatsuya, Tatsuya's friend, even Alex, he wanted all of them to leave him alone.  But now he was stuck in the middle of an unfamiliar neighborhood with nothing but his wallet in his pocket.

He started slowly walking instead of running, he didn't even know where he was, how could anyone else?  He walked out of the neighborhood, heading in the direction he heard the most cars.  There had to be a convenience store close by, all that running had left him so thirsty.  When he was on the main street, cars were whizzing by at high speeds, not stopping for anything but a red light.

Kagami couldn't see which was the better direction to go, so he just picked one and started walking.  It was only a few minutes before a mall came into view.  Kagami decided to head for it.  He had a credit card his dad gave him, he could get anything he wanted.  Kagami grinned and sped up his pace, he wanted to make his dad pay for all the pain, and money seemed to be the only thing his dad could understand.

He went inside the mall, the stale air hitting him as soon as the automatic doors slid open.  He swallowed, he'd rather deal with the smell than ever see Tatsuya again.  He waltzed inside, going right to the food court.  He started to go to the Mexican food line.  He stopped himself halfway, realizing that he only ever ate there because it was what Alex liked.  His dad would usually never let him eat such "peasant food" as would be found in a mall.  He balled his hands into fists at the thought of his pretentious father.  In his own small rebellion, he walked right up the burger place and got five cheeseburgers and three shakes, one of each flavor available.

He paid with the credit card.  The cashier looked at him for a moment, Kagami hoped he cashier wouldn't refuse it.  Luckily, the cashier swiped the card and gave it and a heavy tray of food back to Kagami.  He grinned, taking the tray to a table and started to stuff his face.

[AN: what do you think so far? Bear with me, Kagami will be better off soon!]

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