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Hours passed before Kagami opened his eyes again. He hadn't even realized that he'd fallen asleep next to Aomine. Perhaps what was more unsettling was the fact that Kagami was now alone in the bed. He sat up looking around; no Aomine.

Kagami stood up, about to leave the room, but the door handle jiggled and opened. Aomine was standing there; flat, disinterested look on his face. His eyes narrowed a little when he saw Kagami looking back at him. Kagami dropped his gaze, slowly stepping back until his legs hit the bed and he fell into sitting on it.

Aomine shut the door behind him, leaning against it. He crossed his arms, looking down at Kagami. "I think there are some things you need to answer."

Kagami couldn't look up at Aomine, but he could tell from his tone that Aomine was trying to keep himself under control. He kept staring at his hands in his lap. "What do you want me to say, Aomine? I am sorry I made you worry about me. I honestly didn't think you'd care if I left."

"Of course I care." Aomine snapped, walking forward. "I notice and I care every time you start ignoring me." Aomine stepped forward to be looming over Kagami.

He kept quiet. He didn't know what to say. Kagami wanted to believe Aomine, but a part of him knew that something would erupt between them no matter what. Aomine added, not giving Kagami a chance to speak, "And why were you telling this woman we barely know about our personal lives?"

"You barely know," Kagami corrected, "She was around the entire time I was growing up."

"Doesn't mean you should go telling her every little thing about me." Aomine's voice raised.

Kagami swallowed, finding the courage to look up at Aomine, "Doesn't mean you didn't call me a slut and a whore."

"Dammit, if you'd told me you didn't like it, I wouldn't have said it!" Kagami could practically see the vein popping in Aomine's forehead. Aomine yelled, "Maybe I shouldn't promise that yet. Where were you last night? Who did you spend all night with?"

Kagami clenched his jaw. He hated the way Aomine assumed the worst of him. Though he also knew that this question had been coming. "I was at Makoto's because I didn't have anywhere else to go." Kagami snapped back.

"Really?" Aomine sneered, "I don't even know if I should trust you. You're always gone at "work" or you're with Makoto. Either you and Makoto have something going on or he's covering for you."

"I don't have to stay and listen to this." Kagami bit his lip, he felt like crying. He stood up, shouldering his way past Aomine.

"Just going to walk out on this relationship like you always do, huh?" Aomine caught his arm, gripping it tightly. "Why don't you stay and face me? Am I that scary?"

"You're not scary." Kagami said it even though he didn't mean it. It was obvious that he didn't mean it, he couldn't even look into Aomine's face.

"If you really hate me so much, then leave and don't come back." Aomine's voice was quieter than before. It was chilling how serious his tone was. Kagami didn't want to leave Aomine. He just wanted to stop fighting.

Kagami shook his head, still avoiding Aomine's eyes. "I don't hate you and I'm not cheating on you."

"Prove it." Aomine's voice was steady, his grip still tight on Kagami's arm.

Kagami relaxed, making Aomine relax his grip a little too. He took a deep breath and turned to face Aomine. He looked into Aomine's eyes for a moment before leaning in to kiss him deeply. He wasn't really in the mood, he just didn't know what else to do. Aomine kissed him back, but only as deep as Kagami kissed. Kagami knew that if he stopped now, Aomine wouldn't be convinced. He brought his hands up to hold Aomine's face in his hands and deepened the kiss.

[AN: what did you think of the fight in this chapter? surprised by the outcome? did you want Kagami to walk out or stay? there will be a chapter uploaded after this for the rest of the "proof" as it were ^^' don't be mad at me! there will be more about them and stuff soon, honestly, I'm still deciding what I want to do with this so I hope you're in for the ride! ^^]

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