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The three of them walked up to the rundown house.  It looked like it was falling apart at the edges with all the paint chipping off and plaster cracking.  Kagami wasn't sure he actually wanted to go inside anymore, but after his insistence on coming with them, he couldn't turn back now.

One of the guys went up to the door.  The door opened a sliver, Kagami couldn't hear what they said, but the guy said, "Jimmy, we're here for some more."  There was a pause when Kagami could only assume that 'Jimmy' was saying something.  The guy waved his hand at Kagami, "He's cool, still new to the habit."

The door opened a little wider.  Some man in maybe his 30s was standing there.  He was looking Kagami up and down, eyeing him like prey.  He grinned at the group, not taking his eyes off Kagami.  "Come in, let's make this quick."

Kagami was the last of the three to trail in.  He kept fiddling his hands and shifting from foot to foot, he wasn't sure this was a good idea anymore.  The two other guys weren't affected at all.  "Just the usual, Jimmy."

"The usual?  If that's all you came here for, why bring the new kid?"  Jimmy hadn't taken his eyes off of Kagami since he walked in.  He crossed his arms, waiting for an answer.

"Taiga."  The other two guys also turned to look at Kagami.  Everyone's brow raised.  He figured that none of them actually expected him to speak.  "My name is Taiga."

Jimmy grinned, stepping forward and past Kagami's friends.  "And what do you want, Taiga?  You came here for something."

Kagami shook his head, "No.  I had nothing better to do."

"Really?"  Jimmy moved a hand to rest on Kagami's shoulder.  "Maybe I can give you something to cure your boredom.  I have something thatlltake you so high, you'll never want to come down."

"Come on, Jimmy, just give us our pot," one of the other guys whined impatiently.

Jimmy rolled his eyes, turning to face them.  "Be patient or I won't sell you anything.  You should be glad I don't insist on checking the ages of my customers."  He turned back to Kagami, "Now, Taiga, what do you say?"

Kagami shook his head, "I can't pay you."

Jimmy looked Kagami up and down again.  "I have another way you can pay."  He leaned down to whisper in Kagami's ear, "And you can stay as long as you want and get as high as you want."

Kagami swallowed.  He knew he should say no, but he wanted to feel something over this sad emptiness stuck in his chest.  He looked up at Jimmy, "There will be people looking for me."

"Do you want them to find you?"

"No."  Kagami was almost a little surprised at how quick he responded to Jimmy's question.  He had kept thinking about Alex and being home, but none of that was any better than staying here and experimenting.

"Good."  Jimmy grinned.  He turned and walked into another room, returning moments later with a bag of green herb and a small vial in his other hand.  One of the guys reached for the bag, but Jimmy snatched it away.  "Don't get all tricky on me now.  Cash first."

"Why does Taiga get a free ride and we don't?"  The other guy pulled out a wad of cash, holding it out to Jimmy.

Jimmy handed them the bag, smirking, "Did you hear me say anything about free?  I have a separate financing system for those in need."  Jimmy walked over to Kagami, dangling the vial in front of him.  "Swallow this and you'll be in ecstasy."

He took the vial, holding it up to his lips.  One of the guys called out, "Taiga!"  Kagami paused.  The guy walked over to Kagami, grabbing his wrist of the hand held the vial.  "Wait to do it at home, you'll feel better in familiar surroundings."

"Oh no," Jimmy pushed the guy back, "Little Taiga has to do it on the premises.  I don't give handouts."

The guy furrowed his brow, looking up at Jimmy.  He swallowed before looking back at Kagami.  "At least ask him what it is before you do it."

Kagami rotated his gaze between Jimmy and the guy, he wondered why the guys were so... wary of Jimmy.  He looked back at the vial in his hand.  For all he knew, it could be poison.  If it were, it would at least end his frustration.  "I don't care."  He swallowed the contents of the vial in one go.

"Alright," Jimmy said with a smile and turned back to the other guys.  "Little Taiga has to pay for his product, so you boys better get going."  The one that tried to stop Taiga didn't move, he was just staring at Kagami.  The other guy, grabbed him by the arm, dragging him away, both of them practically running to the door.

In the back of his mind, Kagami knew he should've listened to them, been afraid of Jimmy the way they were.  But the drugs were already kicking in.  He started to feel so hot, he was burning up.  He started to take his shirt off to try and cool down but it didn't work.  His mind felt like it was going fuzzy, but most of all, he felt extremely... turned on.

Jimmy turned back to Kagami after closing the front door.  He grinned when he saw Kagami rending his clothes.  He walked up to Kagami, touching his bare chest, thumb rubbing over Kagami's nipple.  Kagami's skin felt like it was on fire under Jimmy's touch.  He didn't want to be touched, but his body wasn't listening to his mind anymore.

"Someone's eager."  Jimmy moved his hand down to grab between Kagami's legs.  Kagami let out a sharp gasp, eyes widening, and his hands flying up to grip onto Jimmy's shirt.  "Seems like you already understand what I expect as payment.  You can stay with me, getting high as much as you want.  In return, you make me feel good.  The nice thing about this drug," Jimmy paused, starting to stroke Kagami's member, making the small redhead moan and lean his head against Jimmy's torso, "You'll feel like you're having the time of your life."

[AN: I feel like I should say first off that what Jimmy is doing is wrong. It's not meant to be romantic, nor acceptable in any way, his actions are not condoned by me or anything like that! I hope you're happy that this is a long chapter and that there will only be one more flashback chapter (how Kagami gets out of this situation) and then it'll be back to present day where I have no idea where I'll pick up except to go for some fluffy SouMako feels because that is long overdue! Please bear with me, we're almost there!]

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