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Reluctantly, Kagami took Alex back to his studio. He really didn't want her to stay, he didn't have space for anyone else, but he didn't know how to turn her away. Kagami waited for her to walk in, before closing the front door behind them. Alex just kept looking around the studio. "So this is where you live?" Her voice was a bit higher pitched than usual and Kagami knew that she was trying to hide her condescension.

"Yeah." Kagami went and sat at the two seater table he had. "I like it here."

"It's just, you're such a big guy and this place is so small." She laughed, walking over to him and sitting down across from him since it was really the only other place to sit. "I'm surprised you even fit in here."

"Alex..." Kagami let out a short breath, he was definitely getting annoyed now.

"Your father would be more than happy to get you a bigger place," she smiled.

Kagami shook his head, "I haven't been dependent on him since I graduated high school, and even then, it was only financially since he was letting me live on my own in Japan."

Alex let out a sigh, reaching out to rest a hand over Kagami's, "You need to stop blaming your father for what Tatsuya did."

"No," Kagami pulled his hand away, crossing his arms. "I don't blame him for what happened, I blame Tatsuya for that. I blame Dad for not doing anything about it." Tatsuya was the son of Kagami's father's righthand man and only a year older than Kagami himself. He had been friends with Tatsuya for a while until Tatsuya showed his true colors one day. Tatsuya always messed around with Kagami, but would rarely stop when Kagami told him to. He violated Kagami and it kept escalating. The last time it happened, Tatsuya would've completely forced himself on him if Kagami had been able to fight Tatsuya off.

Alex closed her fingers into a fist, pulling her hand back from Kagami. "He didn't know what Tatsuya did."

Kagami shook his head, "He knew, I told him. He just didn't believe me, told me to stop making up stories. So now Tatsuya's dad is still working with my dad and Tatsuya is doing whatever the fuck he wants." Kagami threw his hands in the air in a gesture of surrender, "That's when I stopped wanting him in my life."

"He's a different person now," Alex furrowed her brow, looking at Kagami with concern, "He really is concerned for you."

"Then his concern's come too late," Kagami looked down, letting his arms fall down to his sides. "I already live alone because I don't want anyone to be able to find me."

Alex leaned forward, looking at Kagami seriously, "Did something happen?"

"Short version," Kagami looked up into Alex's blue eyes. He shrugged a little, laughing at his own pathetic life, "I started posing naked for pictures, I got raped and my boyfriend's demanding and degrading."

[AN: alright, what do you think of this part? feeling his backstory start to piece together? there's still bits of information to come, including more about Alex!]

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