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"So this is where you work, huh?" Alex looked around the cafe. Kagami knew that was her way of saying that she thought it was mediocre.

"It's one of them," he shrugged a little, determined to not let her make him feel bad.

"Oh?" She smiled, leaning across the table a little, looking at him, "Where else do you work?"

"Why are you here, Alex?" He didn't want her to keep asking about his work, he certainly didn't want to tell her about modeling in Adored.

"Your father wanted me to check in on you," she let a sigh, bored with the topic change.

Kagami rolled his eyes, his dad always wanted to know exactly what he was doing, it was rather frustrating. "Dare I ask why?"

"Apparently he's really pissed someone off this time," she shrugged like it was no big deal, "He's worried someone might come after you."

"That'd be a first," Kagami couldn't help but get more upset, "He never did anything about the people who did things to me before." He leaned forward, looking at her more seriously, "I'm not dependent on him, I make my own way. You don't have to be here."

"Aw you want me to leave already," her expression turned a little pouty, "I just got here to Japan, even if you don't want me to worry about you, I at least want to make a fun trip out of this." She laughed a little, "Oh and by the way, I need you to put me up for a while."

Kagami just stared at her, she was always so forward like that, just inviting herself over. "Can't you get a hotel? Put it on my dad's dime."

She let out another pouty sigh, "I would, but he specifically said to stay with you."

"What does he think he's doing, he can't just order me around." Kagami had to try hard to not throw a tantrum right here in the cafe.

"Come on, Taiga," she playfully punched him in the arm, "We can reminisce about the good times we used to have."

"I hate my life." Kagami looked at her with a flat expression, meaning every word he said, "What good times would we be reminiscing about?"

Her brow creased as she looked back at him. She hated to see him as sad as this. "You know your father didn't know what was going on."

Kagami shook his head, "He didn't want to know. I tried to tell him, but he wouldn't listen. I don't know what I expected, he never listened to me." He let out a sigh, looking at her, "Look, if it'll make you happy, you can stay with me for a couple days."

She grinned wide, "You're the best, Taiga."

[AN: what do you think of his backstory so far? anything confusing? wanting to know more? liking it? I'd love to know what you think! ^^]

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