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A week passed and aside from seeing Kagami at the cafe, he and Makoto hadn't spoken all week.  Makoto tried to let it slide for that one day or two, but this?  This was just rude.  Kagami was always off to see Aomine, it seemed like he did nothing else.  Makoto tried to ask Kagami where he was going after his shift today, but Kagami clammed up and as soon as the shift was over, he up and left.  Makoto watched him and saw Aomine meet up with him.  All of this was so frustrating.  On one hand, Makoto was so worried for Kagami, with Kagami galavanting around with Aomine, he was sure to get hurt.  But on the other hand, Makoto was pissed.  He so rarely ever got annoyed and what Kagami was doing was just pushing him too far.


"What?"  He didn't mean to snap, he had just been too lost in his thoughts to notice Sousuke walking up to him.

"Woah," Sousuke narrowed his eyes, resting a hand on Makoto's shoulder, "What did I do?"

"Oh nothing," Makoto let out a long sigh, walking around the counter to stand next to Sousuke.  "I'm just... frustrated."

Sousuke raised his eyebrows, looking at Makoto, "What happened?"

"It's just Kagami," Makoto walked over to an empty table in the cafe, plopping into one of the chairs.

Sousuke sat down across from him, narrowing his eyes, "What did he do to you?"

Makoto leaned back in his chair, folding his arms, "He and Aomine got together last weekend and it's like they haven't been apart since.  He doesn't talk to me, he seems to barely make it in for work.  I have stood up for him, helped him when he was low, and as soon as things are better with this, this violator, it's like I don't exist."

Sousuke was quiet for a moment, looking at Makoto for a while.  He looked down at the table and back up at Makoto, "Have you thought you've had enough?  Maybe just cut the cord."

Makoto sat up, straighter, "I don't want to be as drastic as that, I shouldn't give up on him now."

Sousuke clenched his jaw, forcing himself to stay quiet for another long time before speaking again, "And if he's using you?  It's okay to have a little distance."

"I'm not here to save him whenever he's hurt, but I can't let him fight on his own," Makoto leaned his arms onto the table, eyes scanning Sousuke's face.  It was blank again, but his expression still had a dark feeling.  Makoto was sure he was jealous.  It wasn't like he needed to be, he knew that Kagami was only a friend...

[A/N: the angst is starting to come back, I can feel it! I hope you enjoyed this update, there's gonna be more excitement coming soon!]

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