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Kagami stood in front of the apartment door, hesitating before knocking.  He'd been standing there for a good five minutes, just looking at the door.  This was Aomine's apartment, well Aomine's and his two roommates.  Kagami felt like maybe he shouldn't have even come, but after Aomine talking to him the day before, he had to.  He took a deep breath, knocking on the door, he almost hoped no one would answer because then he could walk away, saying he tried.

But such was not the case, moments later, the door opened and there stood Aomine, half undressed, looking like he'd just gotten out of bed.  Kagami had to remind himself that it was one in the afternoon on a Saturday and that very possibly, Aomine had been sleeping until this point.  Either way, Kagami made a point to keep his gaze above Aomine's perfectly defined, bare chest.  Aomine just stared back at him, eyes wide, "Kagami?"

"I..." Kagami looked down and to the side, he couldn't look Aomine in the eye, "I had to talk to you after yesterday."

"I shouldn't have upset you more," Aomine slowly reached out, resting his hand on Kagami's shoulder.

Kagami shook his head, "It didn't upset me... at least not the way that you think."  He took a breath, forcing himself to look bak up at Aomine, "Did you mean what you said?"

Aomine was quiet for a moment, just looking back at Kagami.  After a minute,  he nodded, "Yeah.  I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it."

"I've..." Kagami swallowed, forcing himself to go through with what he wanted to say, "I've thought about you like that too."  Aomine raised his eyebrows, mouth hanging open slightly.  Kagami looked away, closing his eyes, "But you... What about that girlfriend of yours, don't tell me you don't care about her."

Aomine shrugged, "Well actually, I ended it with her about a month ago."

Kagami's head snapped up, looking right at Aomine.  He hadn't expected that, Aomine never even hinted that they were no longer together.  Of course Kagami had been avoiding him most of the time, but still.  "What happened?"

"It's kind of a long story," he stepped back, gesturing for Kagami to come in.  Kagami bit his lip, he wasn't sure he wanted to be alone with Aomine just yet.  He swallowed and decided to go inside.  Aomine followed him, closing the front door behind them.  Aomine made his way to the couch and laid down on it, taking up the entire couch, leaving Kagami to sit alone on the chair.  Although Kagami figured that it was probably better this way.  Aomine rested his hands behind his head, "First off, she didn't like how drunk I got that one night.  And for the record, that's the most drunk I've ever been and I haven't gotten drunk since.  But then, especially because you'd said that you hated me, I was definitely thinking more about you than I ever did about her.  Things seemed okay after that, but then some time last month, she found this copy of a magazine I had and she was like it was weird for me to like her and the magazine.  I told her that if she would rather leave, she should.  So she did."

"Wow..."  Kagami looked down, folding his hands over each other in his lap.  "I didn't know...  I'm sorry I said that..."

He shrugged, looking up at the ceiling, ""I think I get why you said it, I mean, I know that'd I'd been hurting you."

Kagami kept looking at his hands, desperately needing to change the topic.  He didn't need to be reminded of the words that caused Aomine to barge into his apartment in a drunken stupor that night.  He stumbled over his words a little, "Wh-what about that magazine that she saw?  Was seeing one of your porn mags really that bad."

Aomine stiffened a little, "Um... this one wasn't like all the other magazines I have..."  Kagami just looked at him, waiting for Aomine to say more.  Aomine let out a long sigh before adding, "It features guys."

Kagami stared at Aomine, eyes wide, "You have a gay porno magazine?"

Aomine looked away, avoiding Kagami's stare, "I mean Adored features guys, but it's not like there's guys doing stuff together."

"Adored is an art magazine!"  Kagami said a little too defensively before he could stop himself.  He immediately turned a deep shade of red, bringing a hand up to cover his mouth.  He turned his face away, hoping that Aomine wouldn't see his reaction.

Aomine propped himself up on his elbows, interested by Kagami's reaction.  He kept studying the redhead, smiling deviously.  "So you look at it too?"

"I do not," Kagami refused to look at Aomine.  He wasn't really lying, he didn't like to look at the pictures of himself that Himuro published in the magazine, it felt weird.  But knowing that Aomine had seen those pictures of him... somehow it just made the whole thing more exciting.  He liked the idea of Aomine admiring him like that.

"Then how do you know it's an art magazine and not a porno?"  Aomine sat up, moving to the edge of the couch closest to Kagami.

Kagami shook his head, glancing back at Aomine, "Lucky guess."

[A/N: the next part will more than likely pick up the rest of this conversation, it's just 2:30am and I am too tired to write it right now! 😅😅]

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