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Kagami was sitting in the cat cafe, it was after his shift but the cafe was still open, so he told Aomine to meet him here.  He was sitting in one of the comfy chairs in the cat room, Ao sleeping in his arms and Tiger curled up at his feet.  He kept running her fingers through Ao's fur, having her here made him feel calmer.  He wasn't sure he was ready to see Aomine again, but he wanted to give him a chance.

Kagami wasn't waiting long before Aomine walked in, taking the seat next to him.  Kagami didn't say anything and neither did Aomine.  But Tiger perked up at the arrival of someone else and immediately got up and made himself comfortable in Aomine's lap.

The silence between them persisted for a moment longer before Aomine finally said, "Thanks for agreeing to meet with me."

Kagami shrugged, still looking down at Ao in his arms.  "I thought'd I'd give you a chance to say something."

"Kagami," Aomine leaned a little closer to the redhead, "I wanted to tell you how sorry I am about what I did.  I wish I could take it back, but I know that doesn't change anything.   Look, you're my best friend, hell you might be my only friend.  I don't want to hurt you."  He leaned back, looking away a little.  If Kagami wasn't mistaken, there was a light blush on Aomine's tanned cheeks.  Aomine swallowed, forcing himself to continue, "I wanted you to have that ring again because you're still my best friend and I'm sorry for all the shit I've done."

"I was just surprised you held onto that ring all these years."  He glanced up at Aomine.

Aomine looked back at him, smiling a little, "I couldn't let it go.  Not after that fight we had and you throwing it back at me."

He laughed a little, looking down at the floor between them.  "I don't even remember why we fought."

"I do."  Aomine's words were so definite and so quick, Kagami looked right up at him.  Aomine shrugged, smiling sadly, "You were talking about how you wanted this one girl to be your first kiss and I just leaned in and kissed you."  He laughed, leaning back, shaking his head slightly as he looked away, "I wanted you to remember your first kiss and that it was with me."

Kagami stared at him, his jaw dropped slightly.  How could he have forgotten that?  He whispered, "Why..."

Aomine shrugged again, "I didn't want to see you with someone else.  And then we were friends again, just weeks later and you didn't ask for the ring back, so I just held onto it."

"Aomine..." Kagami breathed out, he almost didn't believe what he was hearing.  He couldn't.  "Does that mean that you..."

"Don't say anything, just listen," Aomine looked down at the cat in his lap, it just seemed easier than looking at Kagami.  "It means that I've loved you since we were back in high school.  I tried to ignore and bury the feeling, saying it was because we were close friends and I surrounded myself with girls.  And I ended up hurting you by doing that and I really am sorry for that."  He paused, lifting Tiger off his lap and standing up, "Just don't say anything now.  I know this is probably weird and not what you wanted to hear, but I have no excuse for what I did."

Aomine quickly walked out of the cat cafe, leaving Kagami staring at the spot Aomine left.  His eyes were wide, he could hardly believe what he heard.  Did Aomine really say that he'd loved him all this time?  Kagami had no idea what he would do now, knowing Aomine felt that way.

[A/N: alright so I played through the pain and wrote today's update! (Although it'll be the only update today...) I hope you enjoy it and let me know how you feel about Aomine now! Does he deserve Kagami's forgiveness??]

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