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Aomine pulled back from the hug.  He started walking toward his bedroom, pulling Kagami with him.  It was so early in the morning and Aomine still seemed half asleep.  Kagami swallowed, unsure of Aomine's intentions.  He stayed silent as he followed Aomine into his bedroom.

Aomine stayed quiet as he went back to his bed, still pulling Kagami with him.  Aomine got back in the covers, scooting over to make room for Kagami.  Kagami stayed standing next to the bed, looking down at Aomine for a moment.  He swallowed again.  He was so surprised by how calm Aomine seemed to be acting.

Aomine patted the bed next to him, "Get in before you let all the heat out."

Kagami nodded, not resisting Aomine's commanding tone.  He kicked off his shoes and slowly sat down on the bed next to Aomine.  Aomine rolled his eyes, letting out a long breath.  He reached up, pulling Kagami to lay down next to him.  He adjusted the covers around them and pulled Kagami in closer, wrapping his arm around Kagami tightly.

Kagami stayed staring at Aomine, he didn't resist Aomine's movements.  He was glad that Aomine wanted to have him close, he just was expecting angry voices and insults hurling at each other.  It took him a moment, but he snuggled closer to Aomine, enjoying his warmth.  Aomine gladly pulled Kagami closer to his chest.  Kagami could feel Aomine's breathing even out as Aomine fell back asleep.  He closed his eyes too.  He hadn't slept well, so he might as well use this time to rest and just have a good, quiet moment with Aomine.

[AN: this update is short, but meh, I don't care 😅 I hope you like it! I'm trying to let the calm AoKaga feels seep in for a little while before Aomine actually confronts Kagami on what happened the previous night. Backstory will probably happen!]

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