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Kagami had to force his eyes open, a layer of crust had formed while he was sleeping. He sat up, his head pounding; it felt so heavy. He was alone in the bed, moving through the dirtied silk sheets to grab a bottle sitting on the nightstand. He picked up one of the pills that had been left on the nightstand, swallowing it with a swig of beer from the bottle.

He'd stopped keeping track of the things he was trying a few days after staying with Jimmy. He didn't ask for names, he wouldn't be able to keep track of them anyways. He'd sampled a lot of things, but mostly he'd done more of whatever was in that vial from the first day. Jimmy liked him best when he was high on that drug, so he kept doing more of it.

He waited for the pill to kick in. Slowly, it made his head feel less heavy and made his mood improve. Every day had been like this. He only felt awful when the drugs were wearing off. He lumbered out of bed and pulled on Jimmy's button down shirt that they'd thrown across the room the night before. He didn't bother with buttoning it, especially since half the buttons were missing.

Kagami walked into the kitchen, letting the smell of coffee guide him. He hugged Jimmy from behind, resting his head on Jimmy's back between his shoulders. "Morning," he mumbled.

"You're up early, Little Taiga." Jimmy pulled out of Kagami's arms and turned to face him. Jimmy's eyes widened. He swallowed, opening and closing his mouth for a moment before saying, "Are you trying to get me to fuck you hard this early in the morning?"

Kagami's face reddened, but only slightly. He pulled one of the sides of the shirt over to cover his member. He brought his other hand up to hook a finger over his lip. Jimmy gulped, grinning deviously at him. Jimmy grabbed Kagami by the hips, yanking him closer. "Oh come on, don't do this to me. I've got a new client coming by today."

Kagami ignored his words, he could care less about Jimmy's business. Jimmy was treating him better than his own farther, that was all he could ask for. He rubbed his hips against Jimmy's, looking up into his nondescript brown eyes. "I want another hit."

"Didn't you listen, I have a new client coming, she's very anxious to buy."

"I don't care about a new client," Kagami shrugged, still grinding his hips against Jimmy's, "Show me how you feel about me~"

"How can I say no to such a lewd request?" Jimmy stepped back, making Kagami groan a little. Jimmy raised an eyebrow, "Can't be away from my touch that much?" He laughed as Kagami shook his head. Jimmy turned to one of the cabinets, pulling out another vial of the blue liquid Kagami so craved. Kagami reached for it, but Jimmy held it farther away. "This is my most expensive product. Be a good boy and pay for it."

Kagami bit his lip. He tried to think for a moment if it was worth it, but all he could think about was the translucent blue liquid Jimmy was swirling around the vial. His feet moved forward without his mind telling them to move. He knelt down in front of Jimmy, starting to get him off with his mouth.

Jimmy was reacting fast, making easy work of it for Kagami. After a bit, Jimmy grabbed Kagami by the hair and yanked his head back. He looked down at Kagami, "Open wide. This is it you get for now, we can do more later."

Kagami did as he was told, ignoring the painful angle Jimmy was holding his neck at. Jimmy poured the contents of the vial into Kagami's mouth. Kagami greedily swallowed it. It used to last for hours, but lately, he needed more of it to make it last nearly as long. But the effects of the drug still kicked in fast, his temperature raising and his body reacting rapidly.

Jimmy grinned, leaning down to pick Kagami up and sling him over his shoulder. Kagami could hardly refuse to be carried that way even though it hurt his stomach. On the contrary, he reached down to pull the hem of Jimmy's shirt up and kissed Jimmy's back.

Once they made it to the bedroom, Kagami wasn't sure how long they spent there. Time was a concept that had become lost to him. All that mattered was that he was feeling ecstatic until the drug started to wear off. He asked Jimmy for more, pleaded with him.

"I told you, I have a new client," was all Jimmy said as he pulled on clothes again. "You can have all you want afterwards."

Kagami stayed on the bed, still in the shirt that he'd put on before. For some reason, Jimmy seemed to think it was hot to see Kagami wearing it. He could hardly move, his body felt so heavy and fatigued. "Please?" Was the only word he could get out past the increasing pounding in his head. The highs of that drug were so intense, but that only made the fall worse.

Jimmy shook his head and walked out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind him. Kagami stared at the wooden door, willing Jimmy to walk back through it with more of the magic elixir.

He could hear Jimmy on the other side of the door, talking to someone in the living room. The new client had a low voice for being a woman, he could hardly hear it. What he did hear of the voice sounded hauntingly familiar. He didn't know if he should be happy or angry to hear that voice.

"Oh yeah, he's a greedy, little strawberry," Jimmy's voice floated through the door, "That one's his favorite. It's costly, but his reaction to it and the things he'll do for it, priceless." Kagami was smiling. It wasn't his conscious decision, in fact he wasn't even sure what about he just heard made him smile. But if Jimmy was telling someone else about him, then Jimmy must really love him.

The sound of something crashing in the other room made Kagami jump to his feet, or at least try to. His legs were hardly in agreement with anything he wanted them to do. He reached towards the door, trying to push himself up and failing miserably.

The door burst open, a tall, blonde woman standing there. Alex. Even under her glasses, he could see how incredibly wide her eyes were. He glared back at her, not even thinking to cover himself. "What did you do to Jimmy?" He wasn't sure if any of his words actually met the air, but he hoped they did.

"You're coming home with me." She walked right up to him, taking a hold of his forearm.

Kagami did his best to resist and pull his arm back. "Don't wanna!" Those words he was sure actually got out.

"Taiga." She furrowed her brow, looking down at him. All he could do was roll over so he didn't have to look at her. Next thing he knew, he was being scooped up and hoisted over her shoulder.

He pounded his fists against her back, "Leave me alone!"

She ignored all of his protests and walked him right out of the bedroom. Kagami went silent, the remaining strength leaving him when she walked through the living room and he saw Jimmy on the floor, blood pooling around him. He couldn't tell if he was dead or alive. "Alex..." he breathed out, looking at Jimmy for as long as he could until Alex was outside. "He loved me..."

"He didn't love you." Alex opened the car door and gently laid Kagami on the backseat and buckled him in. "He was fucking you. There's a big difference."

He stared back at Alex, his eyes stinging from the tears forming. He couldn't say anything, his mouth was dry. When Alex closed the door, he looked up at the roof of the car instead. He didn't say anything as she got in the drivers seat and started the engine.

"I'm going to help you. Whatever's in your system, whatever he's got you hooked on, we'll break it," Alex said as she started driving, "I should've listened to you a long time ago. It took me too damn long to find you. I know what Tatsuya did. Your father can't ignore you again. No matter what happens, I'll make sure you're somewhere safe, somewhere Tatsuya and all these others can't get to you."

Kagami only listened to Alex's words. Tears were streaming out of his eyes, burning his eyes. Why couldn't Alex have believed him months ago? Even now, what was he crying for? Losing Jimmy? Being taken back to his father? The idea that someone still did care about him? His head was swimming. Eventually his eyes closed and the blackness of sleep took over.

[AN: first off, this chapter is so dark! 😭 I hope you like the resolution to Kagami's running away. I'm thinking the next part will get back to present day and back to Kagami talking to Aomine. I do want to hear your thoughts! I hope you're okay with the feel ride this has been! 😅]

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