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"Kagami!"  Aomine threw open the door to the cat cafe.  Kagami wondered how Aomine would react and this did not seem good.  He was still on his shift, he couldn't have Aomine exploding in front of the customers.

He ran from behind the counter to where Aomine was still walking towards him.  He grabbed Aomine's hand and pulled him towards the staff room.  "A-Aomine..!  What's wrong?"

"You disappear on me two days ago and you have the nerve to ask me what's wrong?"  Aomine snarled in his face.

"I texted you that day, I told you that I had to meet someone here," Kagami told Aomine that and nothing else.  He didn't say that he was going to see Alex or that his father had sent her, and he definitely didn't tell Aomine that she would be staying with him for a while.  It was bad enough that Aomine had to confront him here because he still didn't know where Kagami lived.

"That was two days ago," Aomine grit his teeth and Kagami knew his was trying to hold back his anger, "Where were you yesterday?  You say you're my boyfriend but then I can't even find you, I don't even know where you live."

"I'm sorry, okay?"  Kagami took a step back from Aomine, letting out a breath, "I was just here and at classes."

"You just left before I even woke up," Aomine grabbed onto Kagami's shoulders. If Kagami wasn't mistaken, there was actual concern in Aomine's eyes.

Kagami dropped his gaze, letting his shoulders sag a little, "I'm sorry... I should've waited until you woke up, it's just meeting Alex seemed important..."  Though Kagami knew that was really only half the reason he left so abruptly.

"Alex?"  Aomine's eyes narrowed and his grip on Kagami tightened, "So you're seeing another guy and are brazen enough to talk about it so casually in front of me?"

"No, that's not it..." Kagami looked back up at Aomine, "Alex works for my dad, he sent her out here to look out for me."

"You really expect me to believe that?" Aomine raised an eyebrow, still staring down Kagami, "All you've ever said about your family is that they're still in LA."

"I'm not lying," he reached up to rest a hand on Aomine's cheek, hoping to make him less jealous, "I'll introduce you to Alex after work, okay?"

Aomine rested his hand over Kagami's, looking at him for a moment longer before finally nodding.  "Just don't forget, I love you and I don't want to lose you."

Kagami smiled, nodding, "I know, I don't want to lose you either."  He leaned up, gently pressing his lips to Aomine's.

[AN: I can't believe this is already up to 50 parts! That means it's 30k words and 100 pages! Wow! I hope you're liking the ride so far I promise happy endings and hopefully I'll have them by part 100! (Honestly I have no idea when this ending 😂😅) but do tell me what you thought of this chapter! Particularly, what did you think of Aomine? Was he better or worse than you expected? Also! Maybe there should be a smut scene after this where they have a quickie in the staff room? Yes or no? 😊]

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