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"I don't hate her.  I hate you."  Kagami couldn't stop the words from coming out of his mouth.

Aomine's expression froze, all he could do was stare at Kagami.  Kagami hated himself for saying it, he didn't mean to actually say it out loud.  He had some hate towards Aomine, but probably not for what Aomine was thinking.  He just hated the way Aomine could so easily break his heart over and over again.

Kagami couldn't keep standing there with the person he loved staring at him, thinking that he was hated.  He couldn't keep his flat expression anymore.  He broke away from Aomine's grip and started walking down the hall.  "I have to go to work."  He didn't look back at Aomine, he couldn't.  He was already tearing up and he couldn't let Aomine see.  He brought up a hand to wipe dry his eyes, he didn't want to walk across campus with tears streaming down his face.  He'd have to settle with slightly red and puffy eyes.

He made it to the bus stop, he needed to go to the studio.  Today was the day Himuro was going to show him the pictures that would be in the online issue and Himuro wanted to do it person.  Kagami kept his head down as he got on the bus, he needed to be completely fine by the time he got to the studio and he didn't want anyone on the bus looking at him.  He seemed to make it through the ride okay, the tears were gone from his face by the time he got off a block from the studio.  But his heart was still shattered, he felt so awful for the things he said, he wanted to turn back time, stop it from happening, but he couldn't.  All he could do was replace this self-loathing feeling with something.  Anything.

He walked into the studio, Himuro was there to greet him, smiling wide, "Taiga~"  He walked up to Kagami, grabbing his wrist and pulling him towards his office.  "The pictures came out wonderful!"

In that moment, Kagami couldn't care less about the pictures.  At least it would be something to distract him.  Himuro quickly pulled him inside and shut the door behind them.  Himuro already had the pictures up on his computer, he pulled Kagami around to look at them.  They were indeed very artistic.  Very dark tones, almost black and white but his red hair seemed to glow.  Even though they were quite exposing pictures, Himuro still made it art and not cheap porn.  Himuro held onto Kagami's upper arm with both of his hands, "You really look so stunning in these pictures.  I do hope you like them."

Kagami did like them, not that he could really admit it.  He usually didn't like pictures or videos of himself, they somehow always felt... awkward.  "I do."  Kagami let out a breath, turning around to face Himuro, who was standing barely inches away.  He looked down at the black haired man, "You like me, right?"

A blush creeped over Himuro's face, it was so obvious because of how pale he was.  Himuro wasn't exactly his type, but he still thought that expression was too cute on him.  He stepped closer to Himuro, only a sliver of space between their bodies.  He lightly rested his hand on Himuro's waist.  For the first time since he'd known him, Himuro stuttered over his words, "I-I mean... I'd be lying if I said I didn't think... you're hot..."

Kagami took that as a yes to his question.  "Himuro..."  He leaned in, kissing Himuro deeply, roughly.  Himuro readily kissed him back, bringing his hands up to hold Kagami's face.

After a long moment, Himuro pulled back from the kiss slightly, whispering against Kagami's lips, "Call me Tatsuya."

Kagami didn't say anything else, he just leaned in again, pressing his lips to Himuro's once more.

[A/N: I know it's not the AoKaga yet, but who would want the smutty chapter of KagaHimu?]

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