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Kagami knocked on the studio doors.  It was after 8pm already and the office seemed to be closed.  Kagami looked through the glass window of the door.  He could see a light on.  He figured that had to be Himuro.

He knocked again a little louder and moments later, a door opened down the hall, letting more light shine.  Himuro stepped into the light and walked right up to the front door.  He opened it and pulled Kagami inside.  He smiled as he said, "We're doing this so late, everyone else has gone home."

"Sorry for keeping you here late," Kagami smiled back.  He did feel more relaxed to be around someone who wasn't judging him all the time.  Between Aomine and Alex, home was no longer an option.

Himuro locked the front door behind them and pulled Kagami into the back studio.  As soon as they were in the studio, Himuro started to unbutton Kagami's shirt.  "Let's get right down to business.  I have a lot of pictures I want to take."

Kagami nodded, reaching his hands up to take Himuro's place.  He knew there was still some attraction between him and Himuro, definitely on Himuro's side.  Kagami couldn't deny still feeling something for the photographer, but now that he was with Aomine.... He just couldn't do anything with someone else.  It was wrong.  Even with all the struggles with Aomine, Kagami didn't want to cheat on him.

Himuro didn't seem to notice Kagami's dilemma.  He went to his camera getting it ready as well as adjusting the lights and the rest of his equipment.  It wasn't long before Kagami was completely undressed and Himuro was telling him how to stand for the picture Himuro wanted.

[AN: sorry for the short update, but I hope you like it! I'll have more of Kagami at the studio in the next part! And I'll get back to Aomine and Alex soon, and Makoto and Sousuke need some more time... all that is coming, I swear! Thanks for reading~!]

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