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Kagami wanted to throw his phone against the wall when he saw the text from Makoto about the woman who'd stopped by looking for him. He clenched his phone his hand, trying to control himself. He didn't want to wake Aomine who was still fast asleep on the bed behind him. He hadn't meant to stay all night, but after starting with Aomine in the kitchen last night, he couldn't pull himself away. That woman always seemed to find him, no matter where he was. She'd always bring him home, not caring about his life that she disrupted. But not this time, he wouldn't leave his life here. Although, everything here seemed to be falling apart around him anyways...

He didn't like the way Aomine called him a slut last night, that wasn't even the worst of the things Aomine said to him. He should've fought back or something. The way he did nothing seemed to make Aomine think that he liked being verbally abused. He would have to talk to Aomine about that a different day. For now, he pulled on the clothes he was wearing last night. It felt so gross to wear the same dirty things again. But he had nothing else here.

Kagami looked back at Aomine, he was still sleeping soundly. He felt bad about leaving without saying anything, but he really didn't want to stay. Though he knew that as soon as Aomine woke up, he'd be after him, hounding him about why he just left. Kagami didn't want to have to deal with that either, but right now, Alex needed to be dealt with more.

He left Aomine's apartment, none his roommates seemed to be awake either. That certainly made it easier to just disappear. Maybe he should just leave altogether. Find somewhere new where no one knew him and live like he was someone else. Though it didn't seem to matter if he tried to leave his past behind because Alex always found him.

He headed for the cat cafe, if Alex was looking for him there, she would most certainly be back. Maybe there was actually something important she wanted to tell him. That would be a switch. It took him a while to get to the cafe, by the time he got there, they'd already opened their doors. It wasn't his shift, he didn't work for a couple hours, but he wanted to wait right here for Alex.

He got a coffee and took it to a window table where he could see the sidewalk outside the front of the building. Kagami spaced out, staring outside, not noticing that his once steaming coffee wasn't even warm anymore. He didn't move until someone slid into the chair across from him. Kagami sincerely hoped that it was Makoto also early for his shift and wondering what was wrong, but he caught a glimpse of blonde hair and knew it was Alex. He let out a long sigh, still looking out the window as he said, "Hi Alex."

[AN: alright, what do you think of this update? I'll go more into his backstory and probably sprinkle it in throughout conversations with Alex, Makoto and Aomine, so be sure and tell me what you think! ^^ yeah, the more time I spend thinking about Kagami's backstory before writing it, the darker it gets! so hopefully it won't be too bad by the time I actually write it, but I make no guarantees! xD]

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