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The black kitten jumped into Kagami's lap, walking over him until she found a spot by his hips to curl up in.  Kagami stroked the black kitten, this was by far his favorite one of all the cats at the cafe.  She was soft and the most pettable, but if she didn't like the way she was being pet, she had no problem trying to bite the hand.  She was standoffish most of the time, but sometimes she'd approach the people she liked, namely Kagami, and she'd be most adorable and cuddly.  Kagami scratched under her chin and she seemed to absolutely love it, starting to purr loudly.

Makoto chuckled, "When are you going to adopt Ao?"  He was sitting next to Kagami, a cat with teal eyes sitting in his lap.  He had been the one to name the black kitten, because despite all their similarities, Kagami hadn't put it together that the kitten was so much like Aomine.  Makoto knew this was also why Kagami liked Ao more than any other cat they had, especially because of how much Kagami denied it.

Kagami glanced up at Makoto, "I'd adopt her now if I could."  He looked back down at Ao, who was happily napping on Kagami's lap.  "But Kuroko's allergic.  If I had my own place I'd definitely adopt her."

Makoto smiled, chuckling lightly.  He was quiet for minute after that, waiting for Kagami to answer the question that he'd asked before Ao interrupted them.  But Kagami said nothing and continued to stroke Ao's back.  Makoto asked again, "Kagami, you still haven't told me about the job that you keep going to or what happened yesterday and why you left on the brink of tears."

"So you noticed that then..." Kagami didn't look up from the cat, he was almost too embarrassed to look Makoto in the face.  He took a deep breath, "I had lunch with Aomine yesterday and I thought everything was like usual."

"But?"  Makoto prompted him to continue.

Kagami let out a long breath, "Turns out there was someone he wanted me to meet...". Makoto looked at him expectantly, so Kagami said, "His new girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?"  Makoto repeated, mouth hanging open slightly.

"Yeah," Kagami kept looking down at the cat in his lap, "Some sorority girl, they met in one of his classes."  Kagami sneered, "I don't know how, he never goes."

"I'm so sorry to hear that Kagami," Makoto reached out to rest his hand on Kagami's knee.  "I know how much like him."

Kagami shrugged, "I knew this day would come... but there was a part of me that never thought it would.  I mean, know he's been with girls, he has since high school.  He just never talked about his sex life with me much, and I didn't ask."

"Kagami..." Makoto said sympathetically.

Kagami saw a drop of water land on Ao and it was only then that he realized that he was crying.  He brought up a hand, wiping his eyes with his palm.  "I thought I would've been able to handle it better.  But I feel so hurt and I know I have no one to blame for that except for me.  It's not like I ever told him how I really feel about him."

"It's okay to feel sad, Kagami," Makoto picked up the brown tabby with teal eyes in his lap and moved to sit closer to the redhead.  "Maybe you two weren't dating, but seeing Aomine with someone else is still a loss."

Kagami looked down, rounding his back as he sat on the floor.  "I just know that he's going to slip away from me.  She didn't like me when we met yesterday and I bet he'll choose her.  We'll end up losing the friendship that we built and I'll have lost him forever.  It's already started.  We always play basketball on Fridays but he canceled today so he could be with his girl."

"I doubt Aomine would just abandon you," Makoto rested a hand on Kagami's shoulder, "You're his friend and rival.  I don't think he'd give all that up because his new girlfriend doesn't like you before she even has the chance to know you."

Kagami doubted what Makoto said.  He knew that Aomine could change his mind about what he's into easily so it wasn't unbelievable that Aomine would choose the girlfriend over him.  He nodded, "Thanks Makoto..."  He whispered, he didn't want Makoto to feel bad and he did so desperately want to believe him.

Makoto rubbed Kagami's shoulder gently for a moment.  After a minute of silence had passed, Makoto asked, "Where did you go yesterday?  I messaged you a lot and it took you hours to reply."

Kagami was quiet for a minute before turning to look at Makoto, "Ah that would be my new job..."

"Does that mean that you won't be..." Makoto couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence.

Kagami shook his head and smiled down at the cats gathered around them, "No, I like it here, I'm not quitting.  I'm gonna... be in a magazine, so it won't be too much of my time."

"A magazine?"  Makoto smiled, "How exciting!  Are you writing for it or something?"

A faint blush creeped onto Kagami's face.  "Um not exactly... an issue is gonna come out soon, I'll show it to you when it does..."

Makoto smiled, "I can't wait to see it!"

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