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Kagami was sitting on his bed with his knees curled up against his chest and back pressed against the wall.  It had been Kagami's 14th birthday yesterday and his dad had 'let' Tatsuya stay over for the night.  It felt like torture to Kagami.  Sure, Tatsuya was sleeping peacefully in Kagami's bed now, but as soon as Tatsuya had him alone... Tatsuya had been so demanding even though it was his birthday.  The only good thing had been that Kagami had been able to talk Tatsuya out of putting his dick in his ass.

This wasn't the first time Tatsuya had stayed over either.  Ever since Kagami came back after running away again, his father had treated him like trash.  The only time he could go outside was when Alex was taking him to school.  And as soon as the school year was over, his father kept him inside completely with Alex watching him all the time.  That was except for the times that Tatsuya was over.  His father gave everyone express orders to leave them alone to play.

Kagami was staring out the window next to his bed.  He didn't want to sleep, not with Tatsuya already under his covers too.  The lights of the city glimmered in the distance, it seemed like they were so far away and Kagami was here, like Rapunzel, trapped in a castle.  The lights were so enticing; another world right outside his own.  If he could leave here, he could transport himself to that new world.

He looked back at Tatsuya, gulping.  He was not going to stay here and get violated for the rest of his life.  He quietly moved over the bed, carefully crawling over Tatsuya.  If he woke up, Kagami's chance of escaping would disappear.  Tatsuya turned in his sleep and Kagami froze.  He waited a minute and since Tatsuya didn't seem to move again, he quickly jumped off the bed, rushing as quietly as he could to the closet door.

Everything that he'd been wearing the night before, Tatsuya made sure to get it embarrassingly dirty.  He gently rested his hands on the closet door, pulling it open as slowly as he could.  He pulled out jeans and a T-shirt, nothing that would stand out too much; he didn't want any chance of Alex finding him.  He shoved a few similar looking things into black backpack and slung it over his shoulder.  He took one last look at his phone before leaving it on the bedside table.  3 a.m., everyone had to be asleep by now.

Kagami tiptoed to the door, slowly pulling it open.  The hall lights were off so Kagami opened it wider.  Tatsuya grunted behind him, making Kagami jump into the hallway.  Tatsuya was still asleep though so Kagami did his best to close the door without waking him.

He crept along the hall, down to the first floor.  He could see the front door, he was going to make it.

"Taiga."  A low whisper sounded behind him.

Kagami froze, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end.  He glanced over his shoulder to see Alex there.  He swallowed, "I'm just getting some air."

"Taiga, don't do this," Alex said as she walked over, resting her hand on Kagami's shoulder, "Go back upstairs, get some sleep."

"You mean in the bed with the guy who was violating and humping me on my birthday?"

Alex's hand fell off Kagami's shoulder.  "Taiga..."

"Remember when you promised me that things would get better?"  Kagami turned around to face her, it was all he could do to keep from yelling and waking everyone in the house up.  "Well things haven't gotten better.  They've gotten worse.  Tatsuya comes over more often now.  Dad lets him stay over practically every time.  I'm trapped in here, I can't even go outside."

Alex's voice was quieter as she said, "I'm sorry, Taiga.  I should've done something."

"Yeah."  Kagami grit his teeth, trying to keep from crying, "You should have."  He turned toward the door again, unlocking it, "Do me a favor and don't look for me until the morning."  He opened the door just enough for him to walk through it and quickly shut it behind him.

[AN: what do you think so far? This part is a little longer since I wanted to get Taiga out! Things will look better soon, I promise!! 😅]

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