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Alex stopped the car in front of the Kagami mansion.  Kagami stared up at it, unwilling to open the door and exit the car.  He was protected with Alex, but in there with his father?  Kagami was shaken from his thoughts when Alex opened the door for him.  When Kagami still didn't move, Alex sighed, saying, "Be strong, Taiga.  I don't want to drag you in there like a little kid."

Kagami nodded, he didn't want that either.  He unclicked his seatbelt and took his time getting out of the car.  Alex had just shut the car door when the front door of the house was thrown open and his dad ran through it.  Kagami wanted to turn around and get right back in the car, but it was too late, his dad was coming right for him.

"Taiga!  Are you alright?"  His dad rested his hands on Kagami's shoulders.

"Y-yeah..." Kagami stuttered, he was more startled by the question than anything.  His father had never shown a caring side before.

"Good," his dad smiled, patting Kagami's cheek.  Still staring at his dad, he was completely blindsided when his dad smacked him across the same cheek with the back of his hand.  Kagami would've fallen over if his dad hadn't been digging his fingers like claws into Kagami's shoulder.  "Now, what the hell were you thinking?  Running off like that.  You had me and Alex worried sick, you scared Tatsuya half to death.  It is inexcusable."

As if on cue, Tatsuya strut out the front door, his own dad following behind him.  Tatsuya walked right up to Kagami and his dad.  He tried to take a step back, but his father only tightened his grip.  "Tatsuya told me how you ran away from when he was trying to talk to you.  How you left all your things behind with him.  Were you trying to make him your accomplice?  I just don't understand why you would want to hurt me by doing this."

Kagami struggled against his father's grip, "But Dad!"

"I don't want to hear another word about it.  No more excuses."  His dad's voice was icy cold.  "You're going to go inside with Tatsuya and apologize."  He finally let go of Kagami's shoulder, but he brought his hand up again, smacking the back of his hand hard across Kagami's face, knocking Kagami off his feet.  He turned his back and walked inside, Tatsuya's dad walking with him, both of them talking and laughing like nothing had happened.

"Taiga..." Alex knelt down next to Kagami, moving to help him up.

"Get off!"  He yelled, pushing her away.  He didn't want her help, especially when it always came too late.  He pushed himself to standing on his own, but Tatsuya was there to grab his arm.

Tatsuya grinned, pulling him towards the house.  "Come on, you have a lot of apologizing to do and I know just how you can best show it."

[AN: Sorry for all the feels! I hope you're still liking this!! Now the next stuff will be with that guy that Kagami said he lived with for a month, so should I take a break from the flashback and maybe do some fluffy stuff with SouMako or power through the flashbacks? Thoughts?? 😁😅]

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