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Makoto looked down at Aqua, she decided that he wasn't paying enough attention to her and walked right onto his keyboard and laid down. He smiled, he really did welcome her distraction from studying and she was really too adorable, it melted his heart. He pulled out his phone, taking a few pictures of her. Unfortunately, by taking out his phone, he now felt the need to check it. Everything seemed quiet, there were the usual newsfeed updates, but no messages. He and Kagami used to text all the time, why was Kagami being so silent now?

It was Monday evening, they even had a shift today but Kagami never showed. He trusted that his friend was alright and covered for him, but really, his patience was running out. Kagami had ignored him all weekend too, didn't say anything about what he was doing, just left after that conversation with Aomine and had been silent since.

Makoto sighed, picking Aqua up and cuddling her in his arms, he whispered to her even though he knew she wouldn't respond, "What's been going on lately? Why is he being mean and ignoring me?"

Aqua stared back up at him, lifting a paw up to him. He smiled, she was so cute. She'd really gotten comfortable at their apartment too, she seemed to love him and Sousuke. Though Makoto knew that she loved him more. He gently rubbed her belly, "Am I overreacting? It's just Kagami's never been like this before. I guess it just... it bothers me." She made a tiny, high-pitched meow. Makoto giggled at her response. "I know I'm soft and I really try to be a good friend. I just don't want to be taken advantage of..."

Aqua nuzzled her head against Makoto's chest, purring as he rubbed her belly. He smiled again, little Aqua always made him smile. Having her around made him happy, because sometimes he felt so bored with his life. Like everything was always fine, nothing really exciting seemed to happen.

[A/N: sorry this was so short! I definitely needed to get back to Makoto after so much with Kagami! There'll be some feels coming, but I hope you'll enjoy it!]

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