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The car pulled up in front of the Kagami mansion. It couldn't have been more than an hour since he ran out of here, but it was enough to make him hate this place. Alex looked at him, reaching out to gently touch his shoulder. "It'll be okay, don't worry about a thing."

Kagami heard her words but they felt hollow to him. She couldn't possibly know what would happen next or if anything would ever be okay again. Alex got out of the car, but Kagami stayed out until she came around and opened the passenger side door for him. She leaned over to look him in the eye. "You're going to have to go in there."

He let out a long sigh, taking off his seatbelt. He'd rather walk in there himself than have Alex drag him inside. Kagami got out of the car, walking with Alex up to the front doors. She didn't seem to notice how his steps slowed as they got up to the door, she just threw one of the heavy, wooden doors wide open.

Kagami was ready to turn right back around when he saw his dad standing in the front hallway, waiting for him. As if knowing exactly what Kagami wanted to do, Alex caught his arm. She looked down at him, "It's okay, your dad is just worried about you."

He looked up at her and then over at his dad. He sincerely doubted Alex's words when he saw his dad's nose wrinkle in disgust. Kagami moved closer to Alex, trying to hide behind her. Tatsuya was standing behind his dad, hideous smirk on his face.

"Taiga," his dad's voice was stern and unforgiving as he spoke, "How dare you say such lies about your best friend. Have you no shame?" Kagami shook his head, shrinking closer to Alex. "Tatsuya told me what really happened. You ran away and interrupted my important night because of a little roughhousing? I raised you to be stronger than that."

Kagami felt like crying. His own father took Tatsuya's word over his. It just wasn't fair. But Kagami couldn't let a single tear escape, or even let his eyes water. His father would surely hate him more for acting like that.

"You're grounded, starting now, with no dinner," his father's voice was cold.

Kagami balled his hands into fists. He couldn't stand this. Tatsuya was the liar, yet here Kagami stood, being berated by the man who was supposed to protect him. Yanking his arm away from Alex, he ran down the hall, forcing his way past his dad and Tatsuya.

[AN: what do you think so far? I'm getting to the first time Kagami runs away! I feel so bad for him! But this is the sad story that had to be! 😭 I hope you're liking it so far!]

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