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"You what?"  Makoto stared at him, jaw dropped.  He almost didn't believe that Kagami would do something so stupid.

"Well I knew he liked me and I was already hating myself," Kagami leaned his head back in melodramatic distress.

"But you work with him, isn't that going to be awkward now that you've slept with him?"  Makoto stared at Kagami, he couldn't think of what to say to him to comfort him no matter how much he wanted to.

Kagami slumped against the wall in the back room of the cat cafe.  He and Makoto had just finished their shift and he just had to talk to Makoto about what happened but now he wasn't sure why.  Kagami shook his head, "I don't think it'll be awkward, he's already taken pictures of me naked.  This is like evening it out, now I've seen him naked.  Not that it was really topping my list of things to see..."

"Woah, wait," Makoto held his hand up, "Back up.  He took pictures of what?"

He looked away, he'd forgotten that he hadn't told Makoto about the full extent of his new job.  He took a breath and looked back at Makoto.  "For the magazine, he took pictures of me with no clothes on.  It's art."  Makoto just stared back at him, eyes wide and brow creased.  Kagami took out his phone going to the Adored website and opening the newest online issue with his pictures in it.  He held his phone out to Makoto, "Here, see?  Art."

Makoto took the phone from his hands, looking through each picture.  His eyes were stuck as giant green orbs, white visible all around his irises.  "This is really you?  They look so dramatic..."

Kagami took his phone back from Makoto's hands, "That's what I mean by it being art.  And it's me, I just made a deal for them to not use direct shots of my face because I'd rather people not recognize me."

"Even Aomine?"  Makoto was a bit surprised.  He would've thought that Kagami would want his crush to see him looking beautiful in pictures like that.

"Especially Aomine."  Kagami quickly pocketed his phone.  He needed to quickly take the topic away from Aomine, "Yeah, so I banged the photographer last night in his office and it opened up the possibility for this benefits type relationship."

"In his office?  That is so scandalous, what if anyone there saw or heard you?"  Makoto gawked, he knew his friend wasn't shy the way he was, but this was taking that to a whole new level.

Kagami shrugged, "Himuro asked that in the middle of things.  I wasn't about to stop, so I said that it made it more exciting..."  He brought up his hand to press his palm against his forehead, he felt like such a slut recounting this to Makoto.

Makoto was quiet for a moment, narrowing his eyes in thought.  He looked back up at Kagami, "Can you clear one thing up for me?  I thought you liked Aomine?"

"I do."  Kagami wasn't about to say anything else, even to Makoto, he felt like he would break down over it again.

Makoto wouldn't let him get away with saying so little, he would get his friend to open up to him, "Then why did you do this?"

"Because he's dating a girl, because he thinks I hate him," Kagami kicked his feet out and let himself slide down the wall to be sitting on the floor.

Makoto smiled and Kagami knew that his friend was such a perfect angel.  "I'm sure he doesn't think that."

"He should, I told him as much."  Makoto's expression turned all worried and he couldn't keep from looking at Kagami.  Kagami shrugged a little, "I fought with him yesterday and I said that I hated him.  So I ran away and ended up drowning myself in sex with a stranger."

"Kagami..."  Even Makoto was quiet, at a loss for words.  "What are you going to do?"

He shrugged, "Keep fucking Himuro until Aomine is out of my mind."  He knew it wasn't a good plan, but he had nothing better.  It was already too late to mend fences with Aomine, so what choice did he have but to get over him.

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