Chapter 3: Road to be a Hero

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

Me, Izuku and Haikari were walking home when a villain popped up out of drain and lunged at Izuku. "Izuku!" We yelled, he was struggling to breathe. "Thanks kid, you'll be doing me a huge favor." Haikari and I got ready to fight when another figure emerged from the sewers.
"Toshinori..." Haikari was awestruck. "Not the time right now. Fan boy later." Before either of us could make a move All Might, or Toshinori, punched the slug villain. I guess he did see the green haired boy in the middle as Izuku was sent flying. Haikari and I caught him before he could hit the ground.

A sigh of relief left my mouth. I turned to All might, "Thanks Toshinori." I smiled, he was like and uncle to me and Haikari as he was friends with our mother. "No problem (Y/N), sorry I didn't see your friend there." I shock my head, "It's fine." Haikari then handed Toshinori Izuku's notebook and a pen,"Hey can you sign this please Toshinori, our friends a big fan." Toshinori chuckled, "of course."

After signing the book we all crouched around Izuku, Toshinori lightly tapping his face. "I think he's waking up." Haikari helped Izuku up. "Ugh...W-what hap-AHHH!" He screamed when he notice Toshinori. I let out a small giggle, "All Might saved your ass, Izuku." The green haired boy quickly stood up and bowed, "T-thank y-you." He stuttered. Toshinori waved his hand at us,"Don't mention it." Haikari and I waved at Toshinori before tuning and resuming the journey home.

"You must be over the moon Izu-" I turned and noticed he wasn't following us, Toshinori had gone to, leaving Izuku's notebook lying on the ground. I picked it up and took a deep breath. "Don't worry (N/N), he has to be with Toshinori so he'll be fine." Haikari smiled, I nodded in response, he'll be fine.

Guess we can't always be right, huh? As we continued to walk an explosion went off in the distance and curiosity got the better of us. What we found was horrifying. Our closest friend running into pure chaos to save none other then Katsuki f**king Bakugo from the slug villain, I thought Toshinori took care of him...

I wasted no time in following Izuku into the fight, Haikari right behind me. "Haikari! We need to help with damage control!" He nodded and we used our quirks to clear a path for Izuku and to help put out some of the fires Katsuki started. Izuku you idiot, we're going to get a serous lecture after this.

Suddenly their was a huge gust of wind and standing in the middle was Toshinori, Izuku and Katsuki. "I really am pathetic." Was all I could hear come out of Toshinori's mouth. Out of nowhere it started raining, I helped put out the rest of the fires before getting sat down with my brother and Izuku. The pros lectured us bout how dangerous it was for us to just run into the fight, while Katsuki got praised. Yeah, cause we helped your asses your welcome.
After that we walked home, had a strange encounter with Katsuki and, just as we were about to pass a corner, who other then Toshinori should run in front of us.

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