Chapter 53: Telling the class.

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

The next morning we all woke to Will banging on the door, our uniforms in hand. The blond doctor grinned from ear to ear, "Good morning everyone! It's time to get up, you three have school right?" Will looked at Shoto, a red faced Haikari (Who notice the position he and Kemuri had slept in) and myself. I nodded, standing and stretching my tired limbs. "Yeah, we do... Will there's something I want to ask you, can we talk alone?"

The doctor looked at me confused, but nodded, "Sure, just get ready for school first." I smiled, grabbing my uniform from his hands and walking into another room. Once I was ready I pulled Will aside. "Do you think their ready to be released?" I asked, looking towards Kemuri, Hana and Yasei, who were all help the others wake. A soft smile made it's way on to the young doctors face as he to looked at my friends. "I'd have to do a check up, but they seem to be... Why do you ask?" I turned to him, grinning, "I wanted to know if they could move in with me and my brothers. Our house is so big and it would be great with we could have more faces to fill it."

Will seemed to think for a moment, "I suppose Nico and I don't live to far from you... and it would be good for them to get out and see the world again." He smiled down at me and nodded, "I'll see what I can do." I jumped at Will and embraced him, "Thank you, thank you." The blond just laughed and ruffled my hair. "(Y/N)! Come on or we're going to be late!" I heard Shoto call out to me, "Right! give me a second." I look up at Will once more, "I'll talk to you later." The doctor nodded as I made my way over to Shoto. 

I looked over to my brother only to see him place a quick kiss on Kemuri's lips before walking over to us. I smirked at Haikari as we made our way out the door. "One word and I'll kick your ass." My brother's face was bright red and his voice was dead serious. I could help but laugh and place a hand on his shoulder, "Calm down, Kari. I'm not going to say anything..." I watched as he let out a sigh of relief, only making my smirk to grow, "Yet."

Haikari glared at me and lunged. I jumped back and started to run, "Get back here (N/N)!!" I laughed as I ran all the way to school. We arrived to the classroom, panting. I hid behind Katsuki who looked as though he was about to say something when Haikari burst into the room. "(L/N) (Y/N), get your ass over here." I laughed and shock my head, "Not happening." My brother growled a little bit as Shoto entered the room. "What's going on?" Tsuyu asked. I looked around at the concerned expressions of my friends. "Nothing, I'm just teasing him about something that happened last night."

"What happened?" Izuku asked, walking over to me, causing Katsuki to growl. "Oh, you know my brother finally getting a-" "NOOOOO!! SHUT UP!!" My brother's hand wrapped around my mouth, his face redder than a tomato. His outburst only made the class more curious about the situation. "What is (N/N) talking about Kari?" Ochaco asked tilting her head a little. My brother looked to the side, "" I rolled my eyes and licked his hand causing him to retract it. "They aren't going to do anything if you tell them and now they'll just keep bugging you if you don't tell them."  

My brother looked at the class. All eyes were on him, "I...uh...May h-have gotten a boyfriend?" It was silent for a moment before the class burst out with a, "WHAT?!" Many questions were asked, things like, 'who is he?', 'What's his name?', 'What does he look like?' and 'Does he go here?'. My poor brother was too overwhelm to answer, so I stepped in. "His name is Hinotenshi Kemuri and he doesn't go to U.A., He is currently a patient at a mental ward." The class's eyes widened and a few gasps were heard. Haikari looked down and I continued to speak, "He's a good friend and is a really sweet kid. He's 16 and as for what he looks like..."

I pull out my phone and show the class the picture of Haikari and Kemuri I had taken last night. Some of the girls and even some of the guys squealed a little. "So, cute!" They said in unison. Haikari looked at me confused, "(Y/N)? What did you show them?" I let out a nervous laugh and showed my brother the phone. If it was possible, Haikari's face turned redder.


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