Chapter 69: He's Here

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~ (Y/N)'s POV ~

When I opened my eyes it took a moment to register where I was, and it was somewhere I really didn't want to be. My eyes glanced around at the familiar room. My hands were bound and I found myself gaged. I was alone. In the dark. Slowly, I remembered what exactly had happened and I found my only thoughts been the hope that everyone else had gotten out safe. But deep down, there was this sickening feeling that something had happened and something was about to happen.

I'm not sure how long it was before the door creaked open and a young man with spiky black hair, bright turquoise eyes and scars that covered his body. He said nothing as he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me from the room and into what looked like a bar. He throw me down in front of familiar villains.

"So nice of you to join us... (N/N)." I looked up. I wish I could say their was hatred in my eyes but that would be a lie. I was never able to hate the league of villains. Not when I had been so close to be coming them at one point.  So instead, I merely turned my head away from their leader.

"Back to what we were discussing before," Shigaraki turned to someone else in the room that I hadn't even noticed yet, "Let's get down to business...wannabe hero Bakugo Katsuki. Won't you join me?"

My eyes went wide and I spun around. Fear filled every nerve of my body as I finally noticed Katsuki bounded to a chair behind me. I was scared for a moment that he may actually take the villains up on their offer, but the moment he spoke my mind was put at ease. "You can shove you offer and go to hell!!"

Just as they were about to continue talking the door opened and an all too familiar man walked in. Immediately I tried to back away until my back was against the bar. He merely just approached and kneeled in front of me. He reached his hand out towards my face. I closed my eyes as his hand landed on my head. "Ah, it is good to see you again."

I glared, but my fear was all too clear to him. I felt a force collide with my face sending me to the ground. "That is only the beginning. You have a lot to answer for." I continued to glare at him while wishing that I didn't have the gag.

"Hey!! Leave her alone!!!" My eyes shifted to Katsuki. I shook my head, trying to tell him to shut up. The laughter that followed sent chills down my spine. 

"Look at that kiddo. Obviously your friend doesn't realize who I am. Maybe you should tell him." He reach over and removed my gag. I coughed at first before I spoke.

"Don't lay a hand on him!"

"My dear, Any harm that befalls him or any of those other... heroes you've come to associate with are on you."

I watched as he stood up, dusting off his suit as he approached Katsuki. A small blue flame in his hand. I started to shift and writhe trying to undo my bines. "Stop it, please!! Father!!" He continued to approach. "Kuro!!"

Kuro appeared between my father and Katsuki. My father smirked, "Very well done, my girl." He examined Kuro, "Your manifestation have improved since I last saw you use them." He turned away from Katsuki and back to me. "Now, come along. We have things to discuss."

My father grabbed my arm - tight enough to leave a bruise - and dragged me back into one of the other rooms. I managed to catch one last glance at Katsuki. Fear and worry present in both our eyes. As I turn back I could help but hope that the heroes would come... but... at the same time, that hope was slowly fading the further my father dragged me along.  

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now