Chapter 18: Protect them

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

Everyone turned to the door as Toshinori entered. A smile crossed my face, "You guys are in trouble, if he's here others are probably on their way." Yuri scoffed and attack once again, this time small drops of blood were flung towards me, hardening as they approached. There were about twenty in total, I manged to block half the others impaled themselves in my limbs. "Yuri... if you keep fighting this way... you'll pass out..." I panted, and if we continue I may as well.

It didn't take long for Toshinori to reach Aizawa's side, knocking down any villains in his path. I let out a relieved sigh, a smirk crossed my lips, no more holding back then. I closed my eyes, focusing on my breathing and power. okay... let's do this. My eyes shot open again, they were filled with determination to protect those around me. My flames turn to the colour of the earth.

I took another look at Toshinori to see him starting to fight the bird thing. Yuri must have see my gaze turn to my friends as she spoke up, "Nomu was the one we brought to take out All Might." My eyes went wide a little, before I returned my composure, "Nah, All Might's too good to lose to a fricken over sized bird." I readied my blades once more, "Now are you going to stand down?" Yuri didn't answer just charged, I was still to close to everyone else to use any massive, massive attacks but defiantly ones to cause some damage. This will end one way or another!

~Haikari's POV~

Toshinori pulled us out of danger and started to fight Nomu. I watch with worry, his limit wasn't long and he seems already dangerously close to it. "Izuku..." I caught the attention of the three classmates that stood by my side, "Get Aizawa out of here and move to somewhere safe." The green haired boy's eyes went wide, "Kari... it's to dangerous for you to stay here. We can't leave you on your own!" Mineta was scared and looked at me like I was crazy. Tsuyu was pretty much the same except for the scared part. "I have to Izuku. I can't leave (N/N) here and even if I did the girl she's fighting, Yuri, could follow me and catch either of us off guard. It's safer if I stay here, I can watch (Y/N) and make sure she's safe and protect everyone in my own way."

Izuku tried to say something but I cut him off, "No, Izuku. Just don't... I'm not going to f***ing go anywhere. I can't leave her here on her own. I'm done leaving my sister to take on every burden we come across. I'm suppose to be the older one, even if only by a few minutes, but I don't act like it." I turned to my friends and smiled, small tears ran down my face, "I've always had to hide behind (Y/N), she's always been the stronger one, as much as I hate it. She protected me since we were kids and I've done nothing in return. But now... I'm done hiding, I won't let (N/N) fight that bastard on her own again and I won't let anyone else get caught up in our past. So I'll say this one last time." I turned back to the fights in front of us, readying my wind, "Get. Aizawa. Out. Of. Here."

I blasted in to the middle of my sisters fight, my foot coming in contact with Yuri's face, sending her flying away from (Y/N). "Miss me sis." I smirked as I landed. "Thanks for the save bro, how's Izuku and the others?" Our eyes never left Yuri's figure as she slowly rose to her feet, "They're fine I told them to get Aizawa out of the way, so now it's just us, All Might and the villains in this area, but Izuku is probably going to come back." She nodded with a smirk as she got into a fighting stance, "Then we'll just have to finish this quick, I think you should summon your souls." I nodded, been awhile but here goes nothing, "Sora! Come!" A boy about sixteen appeared beside me, his brown hair stopped just above his shoulders, his bright blue eyes studied the surroundings.

"Master Haikari, been a while." He looked at Yuri, "Shall we begin?" I nodded, "Unmei!" A small hand gun appeared in my hand, "Let's go."


Hey! Thank you for reading, if you have any ideas on how I could improve or continue please let me know. I hope you all enjoy.

This chapter is shorter then others, but I felt like I should post it as is.

Thanks again!

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