Chapter 4: Izuku's Hope

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

Toshinori had transformed into his skinny form, Haikari and I explained how we knew Toshinori, he asked a lot of questions, one being why we never told our mother was a pro hero. But Toshinori's final few words to Izuku made me smile. "You too can be a hero!" It was the first time someone, other then Haikari and me, had said that to him.

Izuku started crying and accept Toshinori's offer to become One for All's successor. "We'll make sure he gets home safe." I smiled. "Yeah, come on Izuku." Haikari started walking in the direction of Izuku's house, the sobbing green haired boy following.

I took a few steps, now standing behind Toshinori. "Thank you." He seemed confused, I turned and smiled at him, "for believing in Izuku and restoring his hope. No one has ever truly believed in him, well besides me and Kari. Please all I ask is that you take care of him, Toshinori." He nodded, "Thanks again." I turned in the direction of my brother and best friend. "(Y/N)! Hurry up and don't think the think the recent events have made me forget you jumping out a window!" I sighed, "I'm coming Kari, chill!" Toshinori looked confused and concerned, "You jumped out a window?" I shrugged, "Long story. Anyway I gotta go or my brother's gonna kill me." I wave to Toshinori as I ran after the two boys, leaving the number one hero still somewhat confused.

"Let's go home." I smiled at them and they nodded, Izuku whipping away the last of his tears. I then remembered, "oh! I all most forgot." I pulled Izuku's notebook from my bag, "you dropped this earlier." I handed him the book and he smiled, "thanks (N/N)!"

The summer break soon came, Izuku had participated in U.A's entrance exam and Haikari and I were still trying to figure out which high school we were going to... Well, we didn't take too long to figure it out. "(N/N)! We got mail!" Haikari ran into the living room. "From who?" he looked way to excited for it to just be normal mail. "Would you believe me if I said U.A?" I feel off the couch, "WHAT?!" He passed me one of the letters, "Let's open them!"

we wasted no time running over to the dinning table and opening our letters. Both contained a hologram message featuring, Toshinori. Apparently someone anomalously recommended us and we were accepted. Both of us got into class 1-A. "Oh. My. Gods." I said in disbelief, "H-how?" Haikari was just as shocked.

"W-well at least we don't have to look for school anymore." I nodded, "We have a week until school started. so a week of doing absolutely nothing." I yawned, my sleep schedule hadn't improved over the break, "I'm gonna go get some sleep." Haikari lock eyes with me, "Are you still been having those nightmare of what HE did to us and our brothers?"

I nodded, "I hope Hiyori and Miko are doing okay." Haikari placed a hand on my shoulder. "They'll be fine they have each other and the sooner we become heroes the sooner we can help them." I sighed.

"I hope your right."

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now