Chapter 8: Training starts now!: part 2

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~Todoroki's POV~

I finished my fight and started heading towards the observation room. On the way I passed the (H/C) haired girl from earlier, (L/N) (Y/N) I think, there was a dangerous aura surrounding her. She seems pissed. I watched walk down to her building to fight her brother for a second before continuing to the room with the others.

When I got there I stood beside Bakugo and watched the fight. "Start!" All might called out. Haikari, I believe, stared to head into the building. (Y/N) seemed to be trying to calm down from what ever happened before the match. "What is she doing?" One of my classmates spoke up, he had red spiky hair. All might seemed to think for a moment. "Young Bakugo." All eyes turned to him, "did you say anything to (L/N) before her match?" A smirk formed on the blonds lips, "Yeah, I told her,she was weak, just like her mother."

All might sighed, "(L/N) is trying to control her temper. She is trying to calm herself down, though whether or not it works we'll have to see." He turned to the class, "And I don't care what the news and media said, Animus was a great hero who got caught up in unfortunate circumstances." Everyone was quite for awhile as we watched the screen. (Y/N) had frozen the door to the room with the dummy weapon closed as she exited. That will make it hard for her brother to get in. Many of my peers were analyzing the fight and talking, even All might spoke up a couple of times.

Finally the real fight began, Haikari had used chains to trap (Y/N)'s wrists, "Looks like Haikari's won!" A pink girl called out. A girl with black hair in a pony tail and a very revealing hero costume spoke up "I don't believe it's that simple. Let's keep watching." Everyone continued to watch the screen.

Suddenly (Y/N)'s body erupted in blood red flames, breaking the chains that kept her wrists bound. Then she used an enormous attack. No one said a word, and even after (Y/N) collapsed no one moved, not even All might. Haikari also looked hurt, so I ran down the halls and to their building. I entered to find that Haikari was still sitting their. Now that I could see him clearer he was bleeding from his right arm and side. He looked up at me when he noticed I was there and stood up groaning a little but still putting on a smile. "Hey Todoroki... I'm sorry to ask this, but... can you help me get (Y/N) to the infirmary? Her last attack injured my arm." I looked his arm then at the girl on the ground. "Sure."

I walked over and picked her up bridal style. Her breathing was shallow, she was shaking slightly and she seemed to have fever. I was a little worried, but didn't let it show. Haikari placed a hand on her forehead, a small sad small crossed his face, I looked at him curiously, "She's over done it again. Between that attack and her argument with Katsuki this morning..." he looked up at me, "Let's go." I nodded and we started to head to the infirmary. Most of the walk was quick, and (Y/N)'s breathing seemed almost back to normal.

"What was that attack (L/N) did? It seemed powerful." My voice held no clear emotion as normal. Haikari tensed, "she used the dark part of our quirk, it's incredibly powerful yes, but it just as dangerous. (N/N) refuses to use it normally but her anger got the better of her today and she lose control." I nodded and stayed silent, just like my fire. "Hey Todoroki?" I hummed in response. "What's your quirk?" I looked straight ahead.

"Half hot Half cold. I can use fire and ice." Haikari smiled, "that's so cool, but I'm guessing you don't like using your fire for some reason right?" I looked at him a little surprised, "Yeah..." he laughed a little, "Don't worry I won't ask, (N/N) and I are pretty good at guessing thing and our feelings are usually right. Anyway we're here!" I looked head and saw the door to the infirmary, we entered. An old lady came over to us and looked at (Y/N) then Haikari. "Place her on one of the beds please." I nodded and walked over to one of the beds, placing the unconscious girl down. She looked so peaceful. "Haikari, she used that attack again didn't she? You know what that does to her body. And what if he finds you both again while she's like this?" I kept my head down, making sure (Y/N) was comfortable in the bed and listening. Haikari held up his hands in surrender, "I know. I know. We're careful about making sure he can't find us, (Y/N) just lost control of her anger, that's all recovery girl. Also we're not alone so can we not talk about this now." The old woman sighed and nodded, "fine, but we will talk about this again." Haikari sighed, "of course."

"Todoroki!" I looked at the boy behind me, "thank you so much for your, help now and this morning, you should hurry so you don't miss the rest off class." I nodded, "it was no problem, see you later." I said in my monotone voice, Haikari smiled again, "Thank you again," I gave a small wave as I headed back to class.

When I entered the room people started asking me questions like, "Are Kari and (N/N) okay?!" And "what happened?" I ignored most of them, but answered a few simply, "Their both fine, a couple of cuts and exhaustion. (L/N) overused her quirk and passed out, I helped get them both to recovery girl." Everyone sighed in relief, well except for one ticked off blond.

(Y/N) and Haikari, what an interesting pair.

Broken Past: Todoroki Shoto x  Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now